View Full Version : waking up !?

03-02-15, 08:56

Hi everyone I've been dignoised with anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, adhd, autism ( slight form of it ), OCD and Derealisation!
I've improved over the months thanks to help of the people of NMP and finding life more barable and started socialising again, not being as scared and at my worst stage I was sweating 24/7 convinced had brain tumour etc etc
But there one feeling that doesn't go away I can get it any given moment and most time it triggered when I wake up and it scares s£&t outta me!

Does anyone feel like this awaking,

A feeling that there not real..
Scared for no reason but no heart palps etc..
Feel like there going to go into termors - or like going to loose control
A overall werid body sensation that hard to explain :/
Everything feels abit too bright
Fatigued sometimes can't even drag myself up because feels like and guna jolt
Overalls chatty teeth feeling effect :s
Even diazepam can hardly shift the feeling it can calm me but stuff still feel bright or werid

Am on mirtazapine but this was happening way before which made me turn to the doctors... It was so bad at one point I would awake in full sweat, feeling vertigo, faint and panicy thinking I was dying.... Am so scared that I've got brain tumour or something sinister as I do get days off were I feel fine but most of the time something wrong with me :( I've had nerological test were check eyes.. Response, reflex times, balance, sensations etc etc and got excellent so they don't want refer me to ct or mri scan ... I've had loads blood work done and nothing!

Thanks for reading or replying :) and hope all who suffering find comfort!

03-02-15, 11:34
Typical symptoms of anxiety/panic. Adreneline is being secreted throughiut your system. You are in no danger. I assume your doc told you its anxiety. Your nerves are sensitized and assist in causing you problems. We make ourselves upset. We feel strange sensations and ask what if?

03-02-15, 16:34
Do you ever experience it tho? Not ward many people talk about it they say wake up instate sometimes but I get a werid sensation 24/7 normally worst when wake up that something isn't quite right, it driving me insane

03-02-15, 18:12
Whenever I wake up, I feel terrible.

1) I feel confused/disorientated, and like i'm not sure if i'm actually awake or asleep or whatever. I put this down to the realistic dreams I tend to get.

2) I often feel shaky, but not actually shaking, like a trembling inside. I attribute this to the more tense nights, when i wake up usually in some kind of foetal position, so quite tense around myself. I think it's having tight muscles all night

3) Chatty teeth - I have this a lot, especially if i put my front teeth together. it's strange but i think again is a symptom of muscle tightness from clenching my jaw, which i catch myself doing a lot, and is common in anxiety.

this is but a few of the things i suffer with when waking up, and sounds similar to what you have. I don't think you need to worry :)

03-02-15, 18:51
It won't hurt you. It's extremely unsettling but completely harmless. Taje solace...and yes, I have felt exactly what you're feeling.

03-02-15, 23:51
Thanks for the response guys! Been great I wake tomorro hopefully laughing at it thinking am not alone :D keep replys coming a,, helps me and others in the same position

04-02-15, 09:42
Same here babe you're not alone and it's not harmful I've downloaded a few apps with relaxation audios. Also brain exercise apps I find this helps brain function when I am getting bad xx

04-02-15, 10:29
I did a lot of reading and brain training to get myself out of the brain fog the meditation didn't work for me so much, but glad you find comfort in it that helps ! I felt olright when I woke this morning which is good deffo on the right path

05-02-15, 01:17
Good! Keep up the good work and relax!