View Full Version : Pins and needles/twitching/numb

03-02-15, 09:13
Panicking like mad. I've had two weeks of my arms feeling weak/odd as if they don't belong to me. Now my hands,arms,feet and legs have been having pins and needles all day. Also my hand, fingers are twitching a bit. I also woke up in the night with a numb hand! It was laid on my chest so it wasnt even trapped or anything. Scared. Please help

03-02-15, 14:09
Any one? X

03-02-15, 21:46
If it helps your mind at all, I've been to the ER/surgeon/nurses with all those symptoms at once, also adding headaches, eye problems, back, neck and limb pain and ibs/dumping symptoms. I've had an abdomen ultrasound, a brain/neck CT scan, a urinalysis, a complete blood count w/ differential test and a comprehensive metabolic panel on me. They said I likely had dumping syndrome or ibs from a gallbladder surgery but that everything else was due to anxiety. I still have a hard time believing it, but it absolutely possible for all of those things to be anxiety in the eyes of our doctors. If it puts your mind at ease, see a doctor. But, it does sound anxiety driven. Also, I too had a numb hand in my sleep a few times and freaked out. That is an extremely common occurrence but people with anxiety would definitely draw fear from it.

04-02-15, 11:52
Thankyou for replying x

05-02-15, 12:50
my left leg and feet feel numb and pain and neddle feel like this for weeks.��

10-07-20, 16:58
Hi I know this is an old thread. I have similar symptoms :(