View Full Version : Can anybody relate? I just need someone to talk to

03-02-15, 16:19
My first panic attack happened around 4 months ago, and ever since then things have only gotten worse. I've been to see my doctor and explained recent events that have taken place in my life and he put it down to depression. I am now taking citalopram. For the first few weeks everything seemed great, like I was my normal self. But just recently I have started to panic again, I have panic attacks at work, when I'm lying in bed, and occasionally while out and about doing basic things like food shopping. I used to love coffee, I now avoid coffee, energy drinks and even exercising because I'm afraid it's going to send my heart in to overdrive. I'm exhausted every second of everyday, my body aches, I'm physically and mentally drained and I feel as though I can't live a normal life. Is there anyone who relates to this? I don't have anyone to talk to about this I'd love for someone to understand where I'm coming from.

03-02-15, 19:17

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have had panic/anxiety for close to 8 years. In fact, many people know how you feel. I have had many ups and downs, changed medications, etc. I would recommend that you
1. Realize that that panic attacks are not dangerous and cannot hurt you.
2. Do not change your lifestyle because of panic
3. Keep exercising! You need to desensitive yourself from those feelings such as rapid heartbeat.
4. Research a doctor who specializes in anxiety/panic attacks. General doctors are not well enough equipped to help you
5. Look into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

03-02-15, 20:48
Wow 8 years? that's a real long time. I'm exhausted from this and even though I try my best to stay positive there is always that thing in the back of my mind that reminds me that it's there, it's like I'm haunted by it. Thank you for the advice, much appreciated.

04-02-15, 18:32
Heen., I understand what you are going through as well. I can tell you this, though, you will not always feel this way. You can and will get better. It sounds like the panic and anxiety worsened when the cit starting getting into your system, which means it is probably a side effect of the med and should eventually get better. In the early days on fluox, I took a tiny dose of lorazepam to help when I was so wound up I couldn't sleep. It made a big difference. After a few weeks, I didn't need it anymore. Many of my friends on here have used other meds with great success to help with the adjustment phase of the AD med. if things are tolerable, you may want to just wait them out, but don't be hard on yourself if you need a little help during this time. You also might want to give up caffeine and energy drinks for now as well. They can really hinder your progress and cause your heart rate to speed up. :hugs:

06-02-15, 19:10
Thank you Deepthinker. I am so afraid of taking any other medication. This is the first time I have ever been on medication for anything and it is a scary thing for me, another side affect from citalopram is constant migraines (which sometimes makes me think I have a brain tumour) and I'm too afraid to even take painkillers. I have changed my diet, I've overcome the fear of exercising and have been working out daily which I feel is the only type of control I have over my life at the moment. I still feel trapped.. Thank you so much for the advice.. everyone on this site is so helpful <3 I hope you're well

13-02-15, 03:42
Have you talked to your doctor about the migraines and other symptoms? It could be that the citalopram is not the right drug for you or that you need a lower dose. Different SSRIs affect different people in different ways. (For example, Zoloft actually stopped my migraines!) So you may just need to try a different one. I completely understand the trapped feeling though.