View Full Version : Producing lots of saliva, and feel like I'm swallowing mucus.

03-02-15, 20:01
Hi there, it's been a while since I've posted here, have been trying to stay off the internet for a while. I'm in the midst of an awful MND fear where I've got to the point of I'm convinced I have MND. Here is a list of my symptoms as of now:

Tongue twitching at rest that I can't feel
Fasciculation's in the upper torso, calls, cheeks, feet, legs
Feeling of weakness in legs and arms
Difficulty swallowing
Feeling that my speech is slurred but no one has said anything
Deviated tongue to the right by around 5-10 degrees when tensed and sticking out.

Today however I noticed that I've been salivating a lot and every time I swallow it feels like I'm also swallowing mucus from the back of my nose, and also there is an excess buildup of saliva I'm my mouth when talking/singing and sometimes while doing nothing.

This has got my very worried again and further convinced me that I have MND. I've had blood tests that all came back normal, my GP thinks the rest of my symptoms are down to anxiety, but I just can't see it being psychological.

---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 17:54 ----------

No one got this problem? I'm so scared I feel like balling my eyes out. I'm convinced that I'm not swallowing properly which is why if feels like I have phlegm in the top of my throat, and when I swallow mucus is going down

03-02-15, 21:20
Don't you think you have globus sensation? it is called anxiety lump and is a very common anxiety symptoms. I have it, i feel like there is phlegm stuck in my throat and feel like food is getting stuck at the back of my mouth on my tongue.

03-02-15, 21:59
I've had a lump in my throat feeling before, it sort of felt like this and yeah it does feel like food gets stuck in the back of my tongue/top of throat. It's just that every time I swallow more phlegm/mucus tries to go down but just gets stuck and is really worrying me. Have you had a similar experience

03-02-15, 22:09
Yes I've had it on and off for 5 months now and it's pretty intense now. I also have post nasal drip maybe you have that too. Check globus sensation, I'm pretty sure that's what you have, it's too common you can search it within this website.

03-02-15, 22:45
It sounds a bit like post nasal drip, feels like mucus is dropping from the top of my nose and I need to swallow it. Not too sure, got me very worried.

04-02-15, 05:39
Have the same symptoms and it turned out to be Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Perhaps a check into that?

04-02-15, 09:10
I've heard of GERD but I don't seem to have any of the other symptoms, I never get acid coming up from my stomach which I think is the tell tale sign of the condition

17-04-15, 15:36
Hey sluggy I have the exact same symptoms as you I had emg done a couple of weeks ago on all my limbs face and tongue.Emg came back totally normal as did my clinical my bodywide twitching has nearly stopped so I'm just left with my tongue issues.Im having trouble swallowing have excess salvia constantly hacking up phlegm my neroulogist has said it's all stress and anxiety.Im seeing a ent for my swallowing I have history of gerd as for tongue twitching neither of the two neros I have seen was concerned although I still am.