View Full Version : Sore armpit that comes and goes

03-02-15, 17:59

I was wondering if anyone else has had experience with this?

For the last few months i have had a sore armpit, the soreness does seem to come and go and at the moment its very tender.

I did go to the doctors a few weeks back and he had a feel and said he couldn't feel any lumps so its likely to just be sensitive skin but it doesn't feel like its on the skin it feels deeper into the armpit!.

With the fact that it comes and goes i was wondering if any females have noticed this around ovulation time or at certain points in there cycle?


03-02-15, 19:12
Yes, this happens all the time ! it is certainly a recognised hormonal symptom xx mine is usually mid cycle and then again sometime later in the month :)

03-02-15, 19:32
Yes definitely, had this on and off for about a year, I was convinced it was a lymph node even though I couldn't feel or see anything but that was how it felt like something was swollen.

I went to the GP who examined and said she couldn't feel anything abnormal and it was most likely skin sensitivity from shaving. Since then I've swapped to shaving with an electric shaver under my arms and I've only had it once and very mild.

I think it is something to do with sweat glands/shaving/hormones etc as I also used to find mine was worse before a period.

04-02-15, 06:32
Thank you both, I seem to have narrowed it down to taking place around mid cycle so it could be the hormones kicking in!