View Full Version : Blood in Urine.......... UTI or Worse

03-02-15, 18:51
Hi All

Last Wednesday night I started getting bladder spasms. Thursday bladder felt irritated and was sore when it was filling up. Had slight burning at the end of the wee. Went Drs on Friday. She felt my tummy and did a urine test. Said there was blood in the urine (started to panic!). She gave me 3 days of antibiotics. Yesterday I went to see a different Dr as I was so worried about the blood. I told her the bladder spasms had gone but still had a sore feeling bladder and needing to go but no burning. She did a wee test and said there was only a trace and that didn't appear straight away. She gave me another 7 days of antibiotics. Rung Drs today for results of wee from Friday and the results were normal...........

Does normal mean nothing in it? Or blood without infection..........
Blood on 2 dipsticks isn't good is it?
The fact that the fullness and sore bladder hasn't gone is worrying me that its not an infection..........
I'm so worried its something like bladder cancer.

I am 34.

03-02-15, 20:44
My son was once at a dr apt and they used the dipstick and it showed blood in his urine.
I went to the hospital, and they actually tested it and it was fine. They told me that dipticks shows false positive a lot. So you are fine

03-02-15, 22:07
I've just been thro all thus had bladder infection with blood white blood cells and keystones in wee it has been two months and wee now clear but still having bladder problems just give time for things to settle down I'm sure they will x

03-02-15, 23:29
When I get bladder infections I experience the same symptoms as you and the blood in the urine happens by the time the first day of symptoms has passed. I get antibiotics but always for 7 days, because 3 days is not enough to clear an infection for me. I even went to the doctor's one time, they said their were very little white blood cells but I could've just detected it early, they gave me antibiotics and by the day after I had blood in my urine and was 100% struggling with a bladder infection.

If it goes untreated that's when it travels up to your kidneys, but you need to give the antibiotics a go before deciding that and you could very well experience lower back pain and trust me, if you have that, you'll suffer so badly there will be no doubts in your mind. Never happened to me but from having 2 friends get kidney infections I know it's completely impossible to ignore.