View Full Version : How long does your thrat hurt from anxiety

03-02-15, 22:18
So I was having a lot of anxiety last night. And I had that weird feeling in my throat when I went to bed. I woke up this morning and it was still there. Is this normal. It went away for a few hours but is back again. It's not a severe pain or anything. Just that weird feeling. It's kinda hard to swallow too.

03-02-15, 22:20
Is it like phlegm is stuck at the back of your throat?

03-02-15, 23:36
The feeling is in the front of my throat. The esophagus

04-02-15, 00:35
A while ago when my anxiety was very bad I had the sensation of having a lump and something sharp stuck in my throat. I was in a real panic and convinced I had throat cancer, but I saw a dr who examined me and told me sometimes with anxiety we can suffer from a phenomenon called 'globus' which causes you to feel as if you have a sharp object or a lump in your throat. It is harmless and for me it went away in a few days, I found it would come and go. Hope that helps x

04-02-15, 03:49
Alright that makes a lot of sense. I've been doing some research on globes since I posted this thread, and I believe that it's probably it. Thanks a lot!

---------- Post added at 21:49 ---------- Previous post was at 19:48 ----------

I'm also just 15. So i don't think it could be throat cancer.

04-02-15, 09:59
No problem :) Hope your anxiety eases off. I know it isn't easy. Take care!

05-02-15, 19:54
It's getting better. It's weird. It's usually just there when I think about it. When ever i think about swallowing, I can feel it. But when I'm not paying attention and just swallow automatically i don't feel anything.

05-02-15, 20:00
I know exactly what you mean. Try thinking about something else, or doing something else whenever you become conscious of it. Distraction techniques really do help.

Glad to hear it is getting better though.

06-02-15, 02:35
Seems like I might have developed a rash on my upper neck. It's pretty itchy. And there are a few bumps. There's supposed to be. Small bump above your Adams apple right? I have one of those. I read about it and I think it's called a thyroid bone or something like that.

06-02-15, 09:58
That rash could be anything, don't know if you use any products there but sometimes using new or different products can trigger a rash.

Try not to focus too much on the symptoms and remember that if you are feeling anxious things are always going to seem worse.

06-02-15, 17:07
Is it possible the rash could be from some type of allergy? I haven't been aware that I am allergic to anything. Not that I know of. Its not itch this morning, but the bumps are still there.

07-02-15, 12:22
Yes it could be due to an allergy. If the rash is really bothering or worrying you and doesn't heal up get it checked out by all means. I get rashes all the time and itching/lumps and bumps. Depending on how bad my anxiety is at the time I either get really stressed or ignore it. Most things just go away.

16-02-15, 21:25
Looks like there is a super small white bump in my throat above my adams apple and a small lump under the white bump. Its not directly above the adams apple. Its up and then a little to the right. Any ideas what this could be? Im not going to google it. Could it be some type of enlarged tonsil or something? There isn't any pain there.