View Full Version : Tight band around the head headache

04-02-15, 09:56
Hello everyone
for the last few months I've had the feeling of a tight band around my head and pretty much constant headaches. my eyes are also hurting from time to time well the muscles are and I have a lot of neck tension. I worried about a brain tumor for a while but 2 doctors visits and an eye test later I can now dismiss this. I also have a pretty constant lightheaded feeling almost like walking on a boat. I'm aware these feelings are pretty common but I just wanted to know how many people have had them and how you got rid of them

04-02-15, 10:16
Hello - I posted this on another thread the other day, so have copied and pasted it
Just thought I'd throw my two pennies in!
I've suffered with healthanxiety/panic/depression for over 30 years now. When it first started in my 20's, I was hospitalised for over 4 weeks. I've had some good years in between, but sometimes it rears its ugly head again - I guess I understand it more now and can control it to some extent.
Anyway, I have suffered headaches/migraines all that time - from mild, to excrutiating. About 6 years ago, just before I finished work (was in quite a state!) I had the most awful pains in my head - I had an attack at the doctors - he was so worried (I could'nt talk, speak or move) he rushed made to hospital where they thought I was heamoraging. I was projectile vommitting everywhere! They did every test known to man. To cut a long story short, I was having "crash migraines" I now have to carry special tablets everywhere I go - not nice!.
If you are having to feeling theres something pressing down on your head, or, your head feels like its in a vice - they are typical anxiety heads. Pain on one side of your head is a migraine. Then there are cluster headaches - very painful.
My advice would be, get to know your headches, dont let them scare you, and take painkillers. Also, make sure you drink a lot of water as dehydradation will give you a bad headache.
My headaches were the start of my anxiety, I was convinced I had ad brain tumor - very common.
Hope this helps a bit - take care x

04-02-15, 10:34
hi judi
wow that's sounds really awful I do suffer nipmigraines although they've never been that bad I bet you were terrified at the time! thanks for your reply I think some people are just really prone to headaches unluckily people like us. I hope you finally got a grip on there headaches