View Full Version : sat in tears leg is still hurting and slightly swollen

04-02-15, 13:30
my leg started hurting again today and I noticed my jeans felt tight on that leg when I was walking, really noticeably my calf is slightly swollen and im still having the chest pains, in all honesty I have pain all over and it doesn't help knowing people have had dvt in their arms or necks etc, I cant cope with all of this any more, I can hold it together when needed but when im on my own and at night I just break down, I was fine until I had my miscarriage in late December until that caused a lot of pain and aches whilst recovering etc im not feeling how I used to with my health anxiety, I feel totally different im not hugely anxious just down right depressed and fed up of the aches and pains! I know d dimers significantly rule out dvt up to 97% but of course you always think of the stories of people who have had neg d dimers and still had clots, its never ending.. what on earth do I do?? im waiting for a call back from my gp, the receptionist said no call backs as its passed 11am (other receptionist have never told me that) anyway I explained the situation and she said no your right to be concerned and arranged a call back for me, this is what I don't get, with my old health anxiety waiting for a call back wouldn't have been an option, id of been dialling 999 over swept with panic, that's how my health anxiety always was, this isn't how it is this time, im calm not having panic attacks etc so I don't get whats going on!! I know I don't sound calm in this post but its through frustration and being extremely fed up of all of this, I want to get passed these aches and pains and continue to be happy!

04-02-15, 15:32
So sorry you're feeling this way. Is it possible for your all over aches be due to muscle tension? If you're extremely worried call 111 they will tell you what you should do and if they think you need to see you GP they will tell you go to your GP in 2 hours and they let them know so you can be seen by a doctor by the end of the day. Please try to calm down, maybe you think you have less anxiety but physical symptoms of anxiety do not seem to leave for a long time.

04-02-15, 15:39
thank you popejoan I spoke to my gp very briefly as she wasn't at all interested, she said tests at hosp were negative ring in the morning for an app tomorrow..
yes your right I guess although the anxiety is extremely low perhaps these symptoms are down to anxiety, after all its not entirely uncommon to feel symptoms with no anxiety present, its just never happened to me for such a long time with no huge anxiety attacks in between (nearly 5 weeks) iv spoken to a few gps about it being anxiety and they have said I don't seem anxious and I seem rational not what theyd expect from someone suffering health anxiety however they haven't ruled it out and one doctor said he thinks it may in fact be both anxiety and my body just taking its time recovering from the miscarriage plus iv had a tummy bug, and 2 colds/viral infections in that time, im thinking along those lines too, a bit of both. I guess my body has been through a lot and not coping as well as I think it should have thus causing the underlying anxiety, also iv considered the fact that the cbt I had last year for my ocd has been so very helpful at helping the thought process at thinking rationally and calmly instead of straight to panic mode, so maybe that's a part of why I don't feel all the anxiety I did with my health anxiety nearly 3 years ago, I know im feeling very fed up and frustrated at all of this xx

04-02-15, 16:05
From what I read in your posts, you sound anxious! A person without anxiety wouldn't say things like that. I don't understand doctors sometimes, are they expecting us to be hyperventilating, crying and shaking all the time? I'm not doing any of those at the moment but my anxiety is sky high and I know it.
You sound calmer in your second post though. I'm so sorry for your miscarriage, it definitely has mental and physical effects on you. Hope you feel better by the end of the day, I'm here if you need someone to talk to xx

04-02-15, 18:25
I think desperation and despair were what I was feeling more so then anything else, I cam out of hospital feeling ok and that I could drop it, but the pains persist and now iv started with abdominal pains, gunna take some paracetamol and see if it goes, I know what you mean hun I think they do expect us to be rocking back and forth in a corner or something! if a gp tells me they think its all down to anxiety il gladly accept that and at least I know what route to go down in trying to get rid of the aches and pains its the doctors saying hmmmm not sure lets do this test and that test, that's great that they are testing but I guess I need an answer and that's what they are working towards by testing, im sat calmly but my worries are on my mind most definitely, hard not to be when you have pains everywhere lol when the pains go for a little while I feel great! and thank you hun it really has messed my body up a lot, again thank you popejoan xx