View Full Version : Hot flushes

04-02-15, 15:59
Last night I came over all strange after eating. Went completely red in cheeks and really hot and hands legs and arms shaking with palpitations. I started to panic assuming heart attack or stroke. It stopped after 20 mins. Does anyone know what happened to me ? Still really anxious about it happening again.

04-02-15, 17:36
Sounds like you had a panic attack

04-02-15, 19:57
But I was calm. It just came out of nowhere.

04-02-15, 20:57
I've had a 'silent' panic attack - no hyperventilating or anything. I turned up at the drs terrified and sobbing because I had had it. It's weird but sometimes I get hot flushes like that. I hope you're ok. Anxiety can manifest itself and even if you wasn't particularly feeling anxious it may have come out that way instead.
I do hope you feel better. Are you male or female? If female sometimes I get hot flushes at the time of the month x

04-02-15, 21:03
I'm male and cant understand why it happened. Is it warning sign of heart attack or stroke or a seizure ?? Really worried why it happened.

04-02-15, 21:31
Sounds silly but did you eat abything spicy?

04-02-15, 22:17
Had chicks chilli and then had sausages with mustard. All junk and spicy yeh.

04-02-15, 22:21
That might be why then! :-)

But please, from your messages, you need to see your Dr for the anxiety. They can really help you. Don't ubderestimate how it can make you feel. Let us know how you get on

04-02-15, 22:27
Currently seeking a new Dr. As he was useless.

04-02-15, 22:58
I get hot flushed too, ever since a child we assumed it was MSG or preservatives, which could be true. But I heat healthy now and get them occasionally, which I am now learning could be anxiety. (It's hard to search "hot flash" on the internet as a 29 yr old man and get advice not related to menopause!)

05-02-15, 00:19
Very True Ross