View Full Version : Pressure ontop of head!! Please help!

04-02-15, 16:35
i'm sooooooooo nervous by now, going crazy from my fears!

now its headaches....... feeling of someone pressing down ontop of my head, when i press it down i get a bigger headache, its just one spot that basically hurts me.

please share if you ever experienced that!
my HA is bad and i think about it all day!

06-02-15, 21:24
It's HA! I have / had this symptom at my worst time. Take paracetamol, relax, nap, read have a bath deep breaths!! Xx

06-02-15, 23:49
Yummy mommy I have this exact pain too right now, and my pupils are early dilated at the moment which is causing me more worry but the docs think it could just be eye strain or stress. I'm here if you need to talk as I know exactly how you feel.

Sending you a :bighug1::bighug1:

06-02-15, 23:58
Sounds like TMJ. Have you been grinding your teeth/popping your jaw? I get this a lot when I do that.

07-02-15, 00:10
What's tmj? I have been clenching my teeth a lot just recently and I have no idea why I keep doing it