View Full Version : Health Anxiety --- Lump in neck

04-02-15, 17:50
Hello Everyone

Im new to no more panic and came on here because I dont really know what else to do and need to find support in people that understand.
So this all started in April last year when I felt my glands in my neck under my jawbone were swollen...I visited the Dr and she said I probably had an infection, so I felt reassured for a little while. Then come October I was going absolutely out of my mind with worry again so I visited her once again with the same glands and she said glands stay swollen for months after an infection and not too worry, she seemed more concerned with my stress levels than my glands. Once again I felt reassured and managed to live a fairly normal few months. Until come christmas time once again I became obsessed with them again, only this time I found what I think is a gland I dunno its a lump anyway sort of under my earlobe/at the bottom of my skull if that makes any sense. Its quite deep and i have to move my head downwards and push hard to find it but its very hard and immovable. I also found a tiny pea shaped one at the bottom of my neck so I went straight back to the Dr (a different Dr) and he sent me for blood tests.
They all came back with no cause for concern.
Once again that left me reassured for about four weeks, which brings us to now. I am losing my mind with worry about this lump on the back of my head, my other "lumps" or glands or whatever they are, are squishy and moveable and from what I have researched seem harmless and Im not too worried about them.
I just cant stop worrying about this one on the back of my neck, its sort of under the neck muscle and if I tense the muscle I cant feel it but it feels quite round smooth and very hard, difficult to tell what size maybe like 1cm? Anyway Ive read that a load of lymphoma patients have been given clear blood test results before eventually being diagnosed with lymphoma. Im also worried it might not even be lymphoma and it might be some sort of head/neck tumour or something even worse than lymphoma.
Basically Im going out of my mind and I need help. Is this Health Anxiety or do I have genuine cause for concern? Because I just dont know anymore.