View Full Version : headache so sore

04-02-15, 19:32
hi everyone, I am having really bad headaches all over but mostly right at back of head. pain in ears my hearing goes funny I have blurred vision feel sick and dizzy. so scared I have a brain tumor someone plz help.

04-02-15, 21:07
I have the same and more !,dizzieness and head pressure being the main symptoms,I have had this on and off for nearly 8 years and I promise it is anxiety,once you learn to accept this the symptoms do fade away.

05-02-15, 00:05
Yes, it does sound like anxiety as kdf has said.

When you say dizzy, describe what you mean? Dizzyness is quite subjective. Do you feel off balance, or does the room seem to be spinning etc?

Anxiety can cause muscle tenseness in your neck, especially when feeling off balance, which makes your neck/head hurt.

Your blurred vision, get your eyes tested to make sure, but is likely subjective as well, and down to anxiety. If you get an eye test, mention the other symptoms, your optician would spot anything that might indicate a brain tumour usually anyway.

Do you feel worse when lying down?

05-02-15, 17:09
hi thnx for reply yes I get headache when lying down bending pretty much all the time tbf. when I wake sometimes I wake in night with it. I feel dizzy sick off balance blurred vision I had ct scan in may 2012 a week before my wedding it showed swelling on brain doc was concernd so had mri. it came bk normal so im scared just incase it missed a small tumor.

05-02-15, 18:20
I'd say go back to your doctors just in case, but it could well be simply anxiety due to thinking about it.

05-02-15, 20:07
I would go back to docs for reassurance but I am positive it's down to anxiety and the what ifs , take care

05-02-15, 20:14
hi been ill last few hours and I can only describe of it is like I had a stroke or fit im shaking then went numb all down left side really scared.