View Full Version : Age 17 and really worried

04-02-15, 21:03
Hey all, I'm looking for advice as to why I feel so ill, my symptoms are as follows : Extreme dizziness that's on and off, Stomach moving in rhythm with my pulse ( I'm a little chubby on the stomach but thin everywhere else) fast heart rate that then gets slow and faint before speeding up heavy again, sever headpains in the front if my head, with the back of my head at the right side feeling heavy pressure and my right ear starts ringing (especially bad when sneezing), chest pains in the centre of my ribcage and just below it on each side upper back pain and tingling, weak arms and legs with an occasional tightening feeling and limb spasms every few days, please help I have a trial day at a job next week and its eating me up inside, thank you.

05-02-15, 00:03
All of what you describe, given how non-specific it is sounds like Anxiety. The more attention you pay to it, the more consuming it becomes. Try and just get on with your life around it, and it'll gradually get better.

However, go to your GP and ask them to check also, because I am not a doctor, nor is anybody here, and it's best to rule out anything [physical too.