View Full Version : Suffer from severe panic attacks and I have to go to court?

04-02-15, 22:38
I wont go into too much detail but I have to stand up in court as a witness on Monday and I'm terrified! I suffer with severe panic attacks on a daily basis and very rarely leave my house. I dont know how I'm going to cope? I have to travel quite far and I'm just not good with even walking outside my front door somedays. I'm in desperate need foe advice! How am I going to cope??

05-02-15, 04:06
someone please give some advice? Its only a few days away and I'm getting anxious just thinking about it!

05-02-15, 06:03
Hi. Could you ask your GP for something to help? Propanolol (beta-blocker) would help, or you can get the natural one 'rescue remedy' from most Pharmacies :)

05-02-15, 10:47
Have you discussed this with your court contact? Courts have a section about mental health issues in their online material and whilst they say that evidence is srtill required, they can offer additional support on the day.

05-02-15, 19:13
Go and see your gp - there are several medications they can prescribe you to help on the day x

up a ladder
07-02-15, 08:42
I had to do this recently myself. I would suggest seeing your GP to getting something to take the edge off.
However. I went in to Crown Court in December and like you were worried about having an attack. All I can say and advise is that the anticipation is far, far worse than the actual event. The first 30 seconds I was uncomfortable and after that, it was really fine.
Panic attacks dont seem to occur when you are distracted or occupied so once you are being questioned or even listening to the hearing, you will be far less likely to actually suffer an attack.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.

08-02-15, 17:50
Tell the court prior to the date your worries and issues, they will do everything they can to help and accomodate you :)

08-02-15, 23:29
thankyou so much. I couldn't make it to a doctor and the day is tomorrow at crown court but ive prepared loads of puzzle books and other things to keep me occupied whilst waiting around and that hoping it will keep me distracted. Thanks again guys

12-02-15, 18:02
it went really well by the way guys. I did have a panic attack when I entered the building but I was alright and the verdict was not guilty on my boyfriends behalf! Yyaaaay goof news :) thanks so much tor your help and support

up a ladder
20-02-15, 16:29
I meant to check you update earlier. Well done you.

23-02-15, 16:54
I wont go into too much detail but I have to stand up in court as a witness on Monday and I'm terrified! I suffer with severe panic attacks on a daily basis and very rarely leave my house. I dont know how I'm going to cope? I have to travel quite far and I'm just not good with even walking outside my front door somedays. I'm in desperate need foe advice! How am I going to cope??

It maybe possible that you can give evidence by video link and you don't have to be in the court. I'm not sure but they maybe able to do that from your local police station. Contact the court first, you will need evidence of your condition such as a medical certificate from your GP then they maybe able to set a video link up.