View Full Version : When should you see a neurologist?

05-02-15, 02:28
So - can anyone relate or is it time to get a brain scan?!

Today I lost my keys, I searched my house for 30 minutes unable to find thm, thinking I was late - I had to be somewhere it 2.45 and I believed it was 2.30.

Finally I found them where I always put them... I just forgot to look there.
Freaking out about my memory I hoped in the car - drove to work feelin relieved as I wasn't late. My boss comes out and says why are you here.

It was 2 o'clock not 3!
If looked at the time several times on my way to work and never saw the right time I just believed it alway said 2.40 or 2.50 when It was saying 1.40!!I've never done that!

Also I'm havin weird head vibrations - like an electrical pulse running through my head - not a new symptom but it's last on longer than normal.

Plus I'm dropping things, forgetful - I have insomnia at the moment.

Am I anxious hell yes but I always am - when do I finally just say "time to see a neurologist?
I'm really worried.

---------- Post added at 01:32 ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 ----------

Sorry typing on cell phone -many typos.

---------- Post added at 02:28 ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 ----------

Anyone relate?

05-02-15, 02:59
I can relate to the feeling of wondering when the anxiety is more than anxiety.

I also know that these things can be over blown by anxiety.
My mother has gone through the same thing as you and has been to a neurologist and many other specialist. They have no answers for her, she keeps thinking that she has early onset alzheimers...

It's most likely just self fufilling prophecy. We all make blunders like the ones you have described.

I for example am always concidered the guy who would forget his head if it wasn't screwed on. For me it is ADHD, for you it could be any manner of benign cause, forgetfulness is not something I would be worried about.

13-02-15, 15:53
I can definitely relate, these last few weeks I feel like I am losing my mind. I am constantly forgetting where I have put things, things I have done recently & getting my words mixed up so I will say the opposite word when I mean something else. I also keep reading things differently a bit like you with the time on the clock.
I spoke to my doctor who thinks it may he hormonal. I'm not convinced, I absolutely believe it's early onset Alzheimer's (I'm 31) or some form of dementia, I just can't believe how it could possibly be something else.

Are your symptoms still around? Have you decided to see a neurologist?

13-02-15, 17:13
You should see a neurologist when your GP (or PCP in the US) refers you to one. If they don't, you do not need to see one.

13-02-15, 18:17
Before you go rushing off to see a neurologist!!!! read your post again - I got giddy reading it!!! you can hear the anxiety/stress in your post.
As well as all the physical symptoms that anxiety brings, it also really messes with your mind - you cant concentrate on any one thing at a time so no wonder you are all over the place.
To give you an example of this; I was seeing a psychiatrist quite a few years ago and was sat talking to him. He said to me "think of the colour blue". Well! for the next five minutes I reeled off everything I could think of that was blue - sky, sea, balloons etc, etc. He looked at me and smiled and said, "all I said was think of the colour blue"!!!!