View Full Version : Fear of blood in stool

05-02-15, 10:53
I am 47 and have severe health anxiety since last 15 years and was diagnosed mitral valve prolapse with trivial regurgitation before 6 years. All this year my fear was related to heart disease, heart attack, stroke arrhythmia, MS etc. but one week before blood came from my urine and got scared and went to urologist who did ultrasound for KUB and found there was no stone & told me it might be minor infection. The Dr. gave me antiobiotic & told to complete the course. But, suddenly Since one week I got afraid of Cancer, which started with this infection & all of a sudden I remember one of my aunt who died of cancer before 20 years, she was having blood in the stool. My mind just remember that event now suddenly & I started to look at my stool everytime & fearing that there is blood in stool or my stool is black & I will get or have some sort of stomach related cancer. I am afraid to go the bathroom for my poo, even small belching, bloating, gas makes me afraid. How to fight this fear. Plz help me I am dying of obsessing this stomach cancer fear. I know that, this is irrational fear and I know other than cancer, blood can come by ulcer, anal fissure, inflammation of the colon etc.My anxiety is very severe and I am unable to relax or sleep. I am taking cipralex(escitalopram) 10 mg including .25mg rivotril 2 times since one week and also taking bisoprolol (beta blocker) 5mg for my blood pressure. Please someone help me to desensitize this fear, if I am unable to remove the fear, my heart problems will be increase. Due to anxiety & fear, now my bowel movement also increased and sometimes i feel stomach pain. Anti anxiety medicine are also not helping me to control this fear. Sometimes I am thinking this medicine is only for controlling the bodily sensation due to anxiety & it will not help the symptoms of stomach cancer, what should i do to remove intrusive & catastrophic thought, which brings more flight & fight response. Sometimes i behave like i have cancer, sometimes i fear i will catch & sometimes i want to prevent, its very confusing. I am avoiding to eat much food also. Please some one help me i will be grateful to him.

06-02-15, 21:22
I didn't want to read and run ... But I just wanted to say I also check my poor for all those things and obsess over stomach cancer, bowl cancer, ova rain cancer and cervical' I'm sure I have ovarian but tour not alone!