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05-02-15, 18:05
Does this even sound like pregnancy?
To begin with, I'm a virgin. Never done anything vaguely sexual whatsoever. My last normal period was in early October, so by the time my second one missed in December, I went to the ER. They took a urine sample, and came back saying I wasn't pregnant, but that wasn't the first per of the morning or anything, so I've convinced myself that it was totally erroneous. They did say I had a UTI, though.

A week after I finished the antibiotics, I started spotting dark brown. This went on for two weeks, and then a regular blood flow came, red and much heavier than my usual periods. It also lasted for two weeks, and there was some odd brown spotting for the next four days after it finished.

Since I went to the ER, I've been having stomach pain, like a burning that comes and goes, especially after I eat, when I am hungry, or after I drink soda. Under my belly fat (there's not much, I'm naturally kind of thin), my stomach feels hard around and above the belly button, and hurts if I press into it very hard, making a gurgling noise. There's at least one actually lump under the belly fat that tends toward one side and can move if I push it around. There is also lung pain behind the breast on only one side. I've also noticed a white vaginal discharge that stains yellow. (Normal or no?)

I'm only eighteen and very academically focused, so pregnancy is terrifying to me--I've never so much as kissed a guy! What could the real problem be?

I'll be going into the doctors' soon, but how do I calm myself in the meantime. I know that scientifically I couldn't be pregnant, but logic isn't comforting me at all. I started get there weird symptoms in November, which is four months ago. So I have convinced myself I'm miraculously four months pregnant, despite never having sex...

Sorry that was long and repetitive.

05-02-15, 18:07
Absolutely impossible is what it sounds like - so you can relax. Think the last time someone became pregnant that way was about 2000 years ago and he was born in a manger.

05-02-15, 18:17
Ha, thanks. It's just these symptoms sound like pregnancy symptoms. I logically recognize the impossibility, but...anxiety'll just make me like this, I guess. I've been talking to my mom about how paranoid this has made me, and she acts like I'm crazy!

Hopefully, it'll be over soon.

05-02-15, 18:20
I understand your fear, but how can you get pregnant if you never had sex? You have UTI and stress symptoms.

05-02-15, 18:29
Come to think of it, there was a pill missing in the antibiotics' bottle, so they probably didn't kick the infection out all the way...