View Full Version : Worrying about Angina

05-02-15, 19:04
I keep having panic attacks, at least I think they are, I've had problems with my breathing for the past few weeks, it feels really tight along my chest and my back, I keep going dizzy after I eat, and I've got the runs really badly, I keep wanting to cough things up because I feel a lump in my throat, when I do cough up phlegm, it's brown and black and all lumpy, like Coffee Grounds, I'm petrified, when I eat, I can't keep food down, I get a weak jaw and arm too, is it the Anxiety? Or is it truly medical? I'm so scared of what it could be and I'm at the point where I want to cry, but nothing comes out :'( I'm only 21, is it even possible? I've been smoking 11 years, yeah, I started when I was 10 :'( - I really wish I didn't, it's horrible and I don't feel I'm strong enough to quit, I feel like my life's coming to an end, I just want to be normal again :(

06-02-15, 08:18
Hi yes all these can be the symptoms of Anxiety but you would first need to see a doc to rule out a chest infection based on the symptoms you are giving, please don't worry if it is a chest infection the doc will give you meds to clear it up so you feel better, and if it is anxiety then you will be reassured that its nothing sinister and you can find ways to calm your anxiety... It's highly unlikely that you would have angina at your age I would say more a chest infection as you are a smoker but saying all this it could just be Anxiety but no one knows on here so I would advise a trip to the doc or pharmacy just for peace
of mind let us know how you get on and don't worry stay positive I'm sure your ok .

06-02-15, 12:52
She said that she highly doubts it's angina too, but didn't even bother to check my chest, It's so infuriating :( - Really wish I could just get over all this shit and be myself again :(

07-02-15, 19:05
Ok, if I was you I'd go back and ask for them to check your chest again,or ask to see another doctor and tell them your symptoms and just ask them to check your chest, BP, temperature , because if its a chest infection you will need to be on medication soon as, for now drink hot water with honey to clear any mucus in the chest area if there is any mucus present, please relax you will be ok you just need to find a way in controlling your fears, i know its not easy....hugs:bighug1:

07-02-15, 19:16
I agree with the others on here, but I have to say that I had this last year and it was a Chest Infection' and hey; I'm still Alive!!!! :hugs: