View Full Version : It's back... The return of full blown health anxiety, dizzy, numbness, the full works

05-02-15, 20:06
Sooo it's back :(

These are my current symptoms:

- walking on marshmallow sensations
- head rushes when standing up
- severe neck and shoulder tension
- numb face especially chin and mouth
- vertigo
- falling sensations
- feeling nervous

Now for once I actually feel like I can say it's health anxiety rather than anything else however I'm petrified something is going to happen to me. I've been on this diet this week, cutting the crap and eating a lot healthier... No idea of this is the trigger but I've been terrible this week and since I started the diet...

I also told my boss about my anxiety and it all got worse after that!? Why on earth could that be?

My husband is also away at the moment so I think there are a number of reasons why I am!

Sorry for he rant I just needed somewhere I could put this and get the support of others...

05-02-15, 20:50
Hi there... Any changes you make to your eating pattern or in life will trigger automaticaly anxiety ( my opinion) cause when you think about it the HA reared its ugly head and then you changed your diet...to my mind suddenly starts to make you feel that this is going to be better for me, but that in itself is not enough to remove the HA.mfabulous step forward though..
Telling your boss!! What did that solve?? Are you worried that now he knows , has he told everyone else and oh my goodness do they all think you're a crazy person... Amazing how folks can see anxiety disorder , like with depression , in a totally negative way...if you had a broken arm entirely different reaction...i know this because when
I shared with a few people about my HA they were nervous, and un empathetic ( is that anword ?!!) and were careful not to upset me... When I got cancer , the same folks were overwhelming in their support and caring and empathy.. Go figure !! Personally while I don't want this dam cancer ( which of course has worsened my HA) the HA I have suffered for so long is so much harder to deal with...
Your busband being away hun , just means you feel unsupported and worried. The ' what happens if ....'
So in a nutshell , really feel for you that its here again.. Try to remember and write down the strategies that worked for you last time?? You will be ok. The symptons you list are very typical anxiety ones... If you're worried see your GP for reassurance...

Lots of love xxx

05-02-15, 21:43
Thank you for your reply...
I had to tell my boss as I've got some new therapy coming up which means I'm leaving early for 6 weeks! Thankfully she was very understanding...

I'm just fed up and scared :(
I don't know how going to the doctors will help, had so many tests now...