View Full Version : Twitching, tingling, weird sensation in mouth

05-02-15, 20:32
I'm brand new to this forum, but already reading some of your posts have helped!

I know I have health anxiety, but really struggling with knowing whether new symptoms are anxiety related or not.

My history...I suffered a miscarriage in 2006 which I think brought on health anxiety. I then had a baby who became very ill and spend a month in the hospital. This gave me health anxiety about her. I struggled for a full year, constantly thinking something was wrong with her. By the time i had my 2nd child in 2008 i was determined not to be worried about his health. Instead I think I turned it on myself. I started feeling lightheaded, dizzy, and was having skipped heartbeats. Over the years I have a 24 hour holter monitor, ekg's, echo and all is normal. my cardiologist said i have benign pvc's. Fast forward to 2014...

i began having constant (whenever i was not moving) twitching in the inside of my knee. This lasted for 6 days and then moved to the other knee. I also started having random twitches all over my body. Went to my GP. He thought low potassium (wasn't that), then anxiety (started me on 50 mg of Zoloft) after a third visit with no relief he sent me to the neuro. Neuro gave me the normal strength/reflex test...all normal, also had an emg which was normal. He said i have BFS.

HOWEVER....this constant twitching drives me crazy. It is so hard to just sit down and relax bc something in my body is always moving. I also now have one fingertip that feels odd (my pointer finger, feels numb but it is not, feels swollen, but it's not). This comes and goes. Also I have a feeling in the back of my mouth. Almost as if i have a hair stuck on the back of my tongue, but nothing is there. It doesn't hurt, just drives me crazy.

How do i determine if I should return to the dr or just chalk it up to anxiety? Thanks for your help!

05-02-15, 20:50
Most definitely is anxiety. I have the same twitching and mouth thing too. Also drives me mad too. Any concerns go to your Dr. That is what there here for. Might help the anxiety abit too.

05-02-15, 22:10
I have had all of these...the mouth thing is the wweirdest weirdest feelings! I get the hair thing on my hands too, so odd. I'm back to see the neuro next week about it all but I've had an MRI and it was clear. I'm unexplained!!

05-02-15, 22:58
This is all normal for BFS I'm afraid. Welcome to my world.

Have a read of this.
