View Full Version : Scared about stomach :(

05-02-15, 23:30
Yesterday I went to the gym and about 10 minutes into my workout I got severe lower stomach cramps - like period pains except it wasn't. The pain was so bad I had to stop and go home. Today the same happened but the pain was much worse - I Almost threw up and wanted to cry. The pain went away after about 10 minutes but i am so worried it could be a sign of something really serious

I feel fine at all other times, I had the same pain one morning when I woke up and I have a slight twinge now but I'm panicking so much because it can't be normal... Can it :(

If anyone has experienced this or knows what it could be ️please reply im going out of my mind overthinking.

06-02-15, 04:05
I am no doctor but odds are that you are overthinking this. It could be something as benign as gas or constipation or maybe just a muscle cramp. If it comes and goes I would make note of it and wait a couple of weeks before contacting a doctor. It almost certainly is nothing to worry about if it comes and goes and isn't accompanied by other serious symptoms. That said, I have HA and do not make good decisions when it comes to my own body signals so I know that what I am saying is not going to completely ease your mind. If you are like me, you will start "over listening" to your body and start freaking out but please don't. If you need to visit A & E for comfort then do it but please try to relax and know that we are here for you.

Good luck.