View Full Version : Freaking out because of itchy redness in my skin

06-02-15, 01:06
There are itchy red spots all over my body in random spots. I've been like this for about a week, and this already happeed sometimes before, but today it's worse. I have no idea about what could be causing this, it just itches and my skin is red, without bumps.
I didn't change my detergent, perfume, cosmetics or shower gel. I'm not taking any different meds, I'm only on birth control and I have been for months.
I thought I could be lactose intolerant but I did a blood test when I was about 14/15 (I'm 21 now) and it was negative and I don't know if it's possible to become lactose intolerant now. Could that be the cause? Would it look like this? Does anybody know?
I'm terrified and I can't even go to sleep because I'm afraid I'm having an allergic reaction and my throat will close.
Please help...

06-02-15, 08:12
Hi hope your feeling a little better, I get this randomly too, I found if I'm highly stressed or Anxious I do get rashes and spots that appear around my torso but then vanish when I'm more relaxed, don't worry it will clear as soon as you relax the mind, the more you focus on it the more it will itch or flare up, try meditation, even a simple excersise where you imagine the rashes are disappearing, the mind is a very powerful tool, as we all know with Anxiety the mind plays tricks on us and makes us believe there is something wrong with our bodies, so try try and reverse your thoughts, put some calming music on and imagine your body healing,.... Healing thoughts !!!!