View Full Version : What the hell is the matter with me !!!

06-02-15, 13:12
Hi Everyone,
It's been a while since I've been on ....
Things haven't been too bad.....

Came off Sertraline last July .... was doing ok ... come November time I felt the twinges of Health Anxiety coming back .... I started back on Sertraline at the end of Nov / beginning of Dec .... I'd been drinking a few red wines in the evening and this was starting to creep up. On Xmas day I had my last red wine and haven't had any since.
I'm taking 50mgs of Sertraline.

Here over the past few weeks - I've been getting (sorry if this is TMI) pain in my left breast - have been to the dr, been examined twice - along with various blood tests - all bloods are clear & both dr's I've seen are happy that there's nothing to be concerned about....
But OMG - can I accept this ????? No !!!!
The anxiety is crippling ..... I can't stop crying .... can't look at my kids or hubby ..... I'm convinced that it's breast cancer !!!!
Why can I not rationalise this ????
Dr google doesn't help - of course ..... I need to sit on my hands .....
WTF is wrong with me ?????:wacko::wacko:
Aaarrrggggg - I hate myself for this.....I hate what I keep doing to myself & to my family ...... they don't deserve this.....

So sorry for ranting.....

06-02-15, 18:48
Hi Shelley, I had the exact same fear, I was convinced I had breast cancer, thought I had different symptoms of it, I see 2 docs who said I was fine, but didn't believe them, Ihave been taking 40 mMG's of fluoxitine for 6 weeks and I am improving every week, its a long hard road but you will feel better, it takes time, if you need to talk I am here, I know how you feel, big hugs Herbie xxx

06-02-15, 20:07
ShellyTai, as long as you have these thoughts the more it feeds the "Anxiety'.
Go and get a chest X.Ray, if it puts your mind at rest. Have a Blood Test, but only when you accept that there is nothing wrong, will the Worry go away. :hugs:
The pain in the chest could be as simple as trapped wind/indigestion, as I had. :hugs:
(From a former Health Anxiety lady, who also thought she had Cancer, because my Mum got Breast Cancer; I though I would get it too).

06-02-15, 20:54
Oh hun I feel your pain! (Literally!)

If you look over some of my past posts I've had a lot of left Breast pain. I've had bloods and 3 separate Breast exams and absolutely no cause for concern apparently! At this moment I'm not even noticing it as I'm so wrapped up in other concerns! I'm here if you want to chat :) xx