View Full Version : Not sure about pregabalin

06-02-15, 18:39
So I have been on pregabalin for 2 weeks 150mg x3 a day but not sure if it is working I take 300mg in the morning and 150 at night shouldn't do it that way but sometimes get up late I don't really notice any thing until a few hours later said this to my doctor and she said it takes 45 mins does anyone else find it takes a few hours?

06-02-15, 18:59
I think at first when you are taking it you can feel when it kicks in. For me that was a couple of hours after taking but as time goes by you don't notice as it gets into your system. I take 300mgs a day. 100 in the morning and 200 at tea time. But I also introduced Citalopram and that combination seems to work for me.
In the spring, when my mood lifts naturally, I aim to slowly reduce the pregabalin as I think the Citalopram is doing the job for me and I don't want to be on two meds when it is not necessary. But for me pregabalin has been brilliant for my anxiety and the citalopram has lifted my depression.
I would advise to try the pregablin for a. it longer.


06-02-15, 20:13
Thanks I think I will keep taking it it feels a little like a benzo but milder no side effects for me but the citalopram is increasing anxiety ssris always seem to for me even though citalopram has helped in the past the dr I see is really good been on cit for 3 weeks on 10mg she wants to increase slowly in 4 weeks to 20 I am happy about slow increase because in the past anxiety was so bad I had to stop it .

07-02-15, 09:13
That's me too! I started on 2.5mgs of Cit and slowly increased to 20 over a period of 3 months. The slower the better. Pregabalin will help you get through the start up SE's of Citalopram.


08-02-15, 08:39
Pregabalin can have a delayed effect. If you are taking 150 mg three times a day, you may want to divide it into three evenly-spaced doses. This more so in the first few weeks.

If you sometimes get up late, you can keep your morning dose beside your bed with some water for when you first wake up.

12-02-15, 15:08
Thanks not getting any side effects from it apart from feeling stoned but I like it does that feeling go after a while? I hope not seems to be only med that's helped my anxiety feels like diazepam but not addictive :).

---------- Post added at 15:08 ---------- Previous post was at 15:07 ----------

Went back to taking 150 3x A day instead of 300 am then 150 night time .

18-02-15, 01:26
Thanks I think it has stopped working for me doesn't feel sedating anymore been on it for about a month.

18-02-15, 02:50
Once pregabalin has settled down (it can take a few weeks), it shouldn't feel sedating. Mostly, there is no feeling except that the anxiety has gone or is much less than before. Good luck for those taking it.

23-02-15, 03:02
Hanshan how do you take yours? I only notice something after taking the morning and lunch dose close together

23-02-15, 05:43
I take all mine in the evening before bed, but that's a bit unusual and I wouldn't recommend it for most people.

As I said before, you shouldn't feel sedated, but less anxious. Do you mean to say that you still feel anxious through the day except for the mornings?

23-02-15, 23:33
Yes anxiety reduces a little bit but don't feel the effects until a few hours later so thought at first it wasn't doing anything because how long it takes to kick in managed to get my doctor to increase it but only 50mg more to take at night to help my sleep but feel I should be on 200 x3 a day mornings are most difficult for me I think it's because I am type 2 diabetic my blood levels must drop a lot

24-02-15, 04:58
I take all mine at night because morning anxiety (from waking) was the worst for me. I figured that the anxiety was building up even while I was sleeping, so having it work while I was sleeping would be useful.

Whenever I have taken pregabalin during the day for anxiety, I've noticed that it takes about 1 - 2 hours for it to have any effect, but I think this varies from person to person. Other people posting on NMP have said it works more quickly for them.

24-02-15, 15:41
I can tell when i'm due to take my next dose as I begin to get more anxious and agitated 1hour or so before my next dose.

I feel it kicks in pretty quick for myself but that may just be psychological as I feel better knowing i've took my dose and the anxiety will lower cause of that x