View Full Version : is anyone there now..plz...bad attack

14-01-07, 08:56
I am having awicke =d bad anxiety attack,,,usually get panic attacks.
I was out with my bf who got real drunk. He met up with a friend who he said was going to go fro drinks with after. I went home because I felt tired and did not want to party more. Anyways...half an hour later I get a call from him saying his friend took off and he is on his way back. That was an hour and a half ago..takes 5 minutes to walk home. So I phone my cell phone which he has. It keeps ringing and going to my machine. After teh 4th time or so calling it goes right to my machine which means he turned my phoen off. He was being borderline flrity with the bartender that was hot too....and I am frekain out thinking he is fooling around on me...it started as being annoying then I could not stop crtying an picturing them having sex and i cant stop crying and shaking and i am having trouble doing anything.

14-01-07, 08:58
it is almost 4 am i dont have nayione to talk to..im frekaing out,,,,bad.....i cant stop shaking.....and crying.... plz anyojne

14-01-07, 09:55
maybe he has gone to a friends and crash out on there floor

14-01-07, 16:47
hey blond angel

How you doing hun?