View Full Version : Had the letter

07-02-15, 13:18
Ok so I've been thinking for a few moths what it I have cervical cancer as I keep getting aches and pains there, but knew I had to wait until I'm 25 to get a smear test, which is 5 months away, but I got my mail today and there's a letter saying I should book in to have a smear done, this terrifes me, I häe the whole idea of it, not to much have it done, but the waiting for the results and then if there is actually somethin wrong

I've been sitting here close to a panic attack about it, I'm not even sure that I want to book to have it done which I know a lot of people will say it would we bet to have it done, which I know is right but the thought of being told I have cancer and it being too late to do anything about it terrifes me, I guess if rather nt know.

I'm one who avoids doctors if I think there is something wrong with me as I'm too scared of being told I'm dying

How can I go and jut get the test done, instead of getting worked up about it?

Also as I said arou here you have to just be over 25 to have one done, do why has mine come 5 months early? All that is going though my head is that it's a sign that something is wrong

07-02-15, 13:24
I've had 2 smear tests done now... its not that bad!.. i was anxious for the results which came in the post a week later but both normal results!.. now that fear has gone... so in my eyes the week of waiting was worth it as i knew my cervix was fine after that!.. go book that test as if could possibly save your life!.. im sure it will be fine us women get loads of different aches n pains down there i was convinced at one point i had cervical cancer and was dying but obviously not. Your feel better once you get those results! ☺

15-02-15, 20:12
Hi there,
I read somewhere that the letter comes a few months before you turn 25. I turned 25 in November and also got the letter quite a bit beforehand. I'm not sure whether you can actually make an appointment for before you turn 25 or if they'd only allow you to book it in once you've turned 25. Give your drs clinic a call and check.
I've left mine for the same reason as you (can't deal with the idea of having to wait for results) but my mum has been harassing me and so I've booked it in for next week.
Try not to worry, easier said that's done I know!

15-02-15, 20:26
I've had more problems with smear tests that I can't even begin to tell you how many I've had.

I've had biopsies, colposcopies, and various treatments to my cervix, all I might add for relatively mild changes or completely benign problems.

The thing with cervical cancer is it takes a long time to develop which is why smears are so good because 9 times out of 10 they pick things up at an early stage and sometimes all they do is watch and wait and it will resolve itself anyway.

You need to have this done and besides nurses know what a healthy cervix looks like and you can always ask them if everything looked ok.

Honestly please don't worry take it from someone who has asked doctors and nurses more questions about this subject than most. Just say to the nurse doing it that you are very worried and can they tell you if everything looked ok, although they won't say definitely they will tell you if everything looks normal at appearance.

When I went to the hospital for an ongoing issue with bleeding and pain I was petrified, the doctor examined me and I point blank said to her "is it cancer", she shook her head and said "no it's not" you have an untidy area on your cervix but it's not cancer and that was just looking with the visible eye, she also said " we know what cancer looks like".

Get it done and over with besides results are really quick now, my last two smears I've had the results in a week by post.

15-02-15, 20:38

Please please please defo go and book an appointment. read some articles regarding jade goody she is a prime example of why going to the appointment and getting tested early is peace of mind. i promise you will be fine, even worst case scenario because that is what is going through your head it can be treated through early detection. all you do is gain from going to appointment and early as possible. you can do it. book the appointment, get it over and done with, you will probs go at one point in your life after you have done some procrastination just like i would so go sooner rather than later. let us know how you get on. you can do it.

15-02-15, 22:20
Hi well I actually did ring but they said it's got to be 14 days from when my period first starts so I've hot to ring up on that day and do it for 14 days after

It's not do much having it done that's not the thing that is bothering me it's the whole waiting for the results it's terrifying, I'm one who avoids doctors as I'm terrifed if being told that I'm dying, like I'd rather not know I guess...

Yes I know about what happened to jade goody, that's another reason why I'm nervous too as she was so young with two children and wasn't she diagnosed with it after a routine smear test??? That's what I couldn't stand too hear

As I'm so nervous over it I keep getting more and more aches and pains down there, which I'm not sure is my anxiety being a sucker or there is genuinely something I need to be concerned about

I'll just bite the bullet and do it, I've got no history if any cancer in my family (touch wood) except my sister had pre cancerous cells in a mole when she was like 10, that's why I have huge fears over my moles

How is it so easy for people who don't have anxiety not let things like this bother them?? I can't understand.

Hope you go on ok, let me know how you get on

And thank you all for the replies x

16-02-15, 08:21

From what I read Jade Goody had already had two lots of pre-cancerous cells removed. I also read that she had missed/ignored letters following up on an abnormal smear test.

She was also passing out because she was losing so much blood and in extreme pain. Admittedly it sounded like things were missed by the NHS but it also sounded like she didn't keep up with her follow up appointments/treatments.

So although you can't believe everything you read I did read something in her own words where she said that she had already had two lots of treatment for pre cancerous cells so she was obviously very susceptible and unfortunately she didn't follow up on appts etc.

Take care, you will be fine I totally understand your worry I was meant to have blood tests down last year and haven't because I'm worried they are going to tell me I'm dying, so I'm burying my head in the sand and I also still get panicky about smears but I will always have those done because they are life savers. If I hadn't had mine regularly who knows what could have happened to my few little abnormal cells.

16-02-15, 09:42
I know how scared you are hun, I had a smear done recently and I was really freaking out over it as like you, I am scared of seeing the dr and scared of being told sommat is really wrong with me.

Really though the chances of anything ever being wrong are slim, and even if sommat is abnormal it is almost always cell changes that they can put right :)

The smear test itself is over in a minute. I had mine done last month and got my letter 2 weeks after and was all clear :) I was worried sick 'til I got the letter and always will be for tests and stuff like that.

Health Anxiety is just awful hun really understand. I am convinced I have something wrong with me all the time and I am jealous of people who can just live their lives and not be consumed by this worry :(

We will all get there though :) xxx