View Full Version : Still messed up from MIND homevisit crisis carer telling me I need to "get a life"

07-02-15, 14:51
A few years ago I was sent to A&E from my GP after my biggest ever HA attack, and put on crisis watch.

I had a huge break down in my GPs office and basically told him that I need, need to end my life because I know I have MS and the quality of my life will get so bad I want to end my life before it ruins me completely.

My nose started bleeding pretty badly during the breakdown and, as you can guess, it triggered me into an even bigger mess than I was before, and I started shaking terribly and started going a bit crazy.. I begged him to send me to a neuro (which he actually did).

But anyway, when I came out of A&E, I had visits from people from "MIND" visit me every day to check on me and ask me things...

These visits in general made me worse, as it was a different person every time, and they would sit on my bed in my bedroom and I could over-hear how I was being talked about downstairs by them with my mother. ("Is she eating?" "Has she changed her clothes yet?" "Has she washed yet?"). I wasn't quite sure what purpose they served other than to make sure I wasn't dead, and was still alive for the purpose of eating and washing myself.

The visits were short, and most of the time I was just answering the same questions and trying my best to look grateful and heartened, and act like they were some these godly, helpful people who were actually some benefit to me rather than a detriment. It was like a job for me to seem "better" around them.

One time though, around FOUR people came at the same time, including (I think) an actual doctor with some papers he was writing on about me, which was so unsettling for me. - My bedroom was very small and cluttered and it was a squeeze fitting them all in.

There was one old man in my bedroom, though, who took it upon himself for some reason, to take shots at the things I have in my bedroom... I collect My Little Ponies, and am a big fan of Rock n Roll, Blues music, and a lot of my Dad's old music collection in my room that I cherish a lot... And this DISGUSTING thing took it upon himself (his reasoning behind this behavior I have NO IDEA), to just LOOK AROUND MY BEDROOM, and comment on them!!!!!

He actually picked up my DSR camera and turned it over in his hands.. as though he actually had the right to just snoop about my personal items, and pluck them up at will without any permission asked whatsoever. It was incredibly intrusive and unsettling.

"Aren't you a bit old for these?" he was commenting about the ponies.
And then he said I listen to "old man" music.. he was helping himself to a good going-over of my music collection.
Then came the "maybe you should get a life!" comment.. This was about my mental health. My HA. My depression. My suffering.

It literally just looked like he had prescribed this solution for me based on his disagreement with my personal interests, as though when I "get a life", I will grow out of My Little Pony, stop listening to "old man music" and become a lovely, normal, pop-music-loving, non-pony-loving, healthy young lady.

Of what benefit to my psychological help this serves, to this day, I have NO IDEA. From my perspective, he was there to make me feel deeply ashamed of some of the only things I had left in my life that brought it some meaning aside from my family.

He also commented disparagingly on how my brother still lives at home, and some nasty remark about that I can't fully remember... But my brothers bedroom is literally right next to mine and heaven knows how my brother would have felt if he had heard that..

I sent a complaint to the head of that place, detailing all of this. The response told me how "shocked" the man was to hear this, and asked me if I wanted to meet up with him or something.

I have no idea why anyone would imagine a reason I'd want to meet up with this man. I wanted to know he had been fired outright. - I wanted to know he couldn't hurt anyone else as he did me. If he had been dealing with someone else in this manner, it could trigger them to want to take their life.

I have a lot of anger and pain carried on from this time that I have not dealt with. It has made me deeply suspicious of people who are in positions in which they're dealing with me at my lowest, and if I think about him too long, I have fantasies in which I would quite have loved to have pushed him down the stairs and beaten him up whilst telling him how you should never, EVER say things like this to someone who is suffering this way and that he is a miserable failure at his job, whatever his job even WAS... I don't know what he "was", or what his purpose was in being in my bedroom. He could have been anyone. A stranger wandered in from the streets.

I could have done his job better than him. For sure anyone with personal experience of mental health could have done his job better than him... I don't know what to do about the pain he caused me and how he ruined my trust with doctors.

07-02-15, 15:14
That's just so, so rude.
I'm sorry, just keep your head and keep going forward!

Best of luck.

07-02-15, 15:34
That's just so, so rude.
I'm sorry, just keep your head and keep going forward!

Best of luck.

Thank you BlackCoffeeCup! I am proud I'm still here after it.. It could have harmed me far worse. I feel proud at least that it didn't do worse to me. <3 I just hope he isn't still going to other houses of people suffering with mental illness.. It's shocking how many people are allowed to hold positions of power like this when they shouldn't be NEAR them.

07-02-15, 16:01
That is so sad, he is obviously not in the industry for the right reasons.. any of them for that matter for standing around and not intervening. It's disgusting that some people don't realise how much their words can effect somebody, or they just don't care. I'm glad you're fine though and I hope he has been put in his place.

07-02-15, 16:09
I'm so sorry to hear that. I can relate to this as my GP and my therapist both asked if I was planning to end my life. I said no, I think about it but I won't kill myself.

I'm a criminology student and one of my units this year is crime, exclusion and mental health. It is basically, most of the people even the professional ones don't see mental illnesses as actual illnesses. Nobody tells you to 'get a life', 'get it together' or 'toughen up' when you break your arm for example.

One of my friends' cousin was very depressed years ago. She was telling my friend that she would jump off of a bridge so many times. Once my friend told her that she was just trying to get attention, if she really wanted to kill herself she would just jump off of bridge rather than talking about it. So she jumped off of a bridge and killed herself. My friend can't forgive herself since then...

f... it really, my aunt and cousins used to tell me how I sit on the same spot everyday, how I don't have any friends, how I'll never find anyone and how I'll live my whole life alone. These comments used to make me cry all the time but I don't care anymore and I removed these people from my life. I moved to another country, went to Uni and getting married next month.

If he's talking to people like that he is not a nice person and whatever "life" he has it doesn't matter because he doesn't deserve respect. A person who doesn't know empathy doesn't have a life in my eyes. Don't let it hurt you, I understand you, I know what you're going through.

Sorry I jumped from topic to topic, it made me angry and sometimes my English is not enough to express myself :)

07-02-15, 17:39
The trouble is, when someone doesn't have personal experience of dealing with mental illness it can be very difficult for them to understand and emphasise in a meaningful way.

There are people who take the "tough love," approach, thinking people with anxiety (whatever brand it is...HA/SA/GAD etc) just need a kick up the butt and to get over it. They think they're helping, but often, what they're actually doing is sticking the boot in when you're already down.

I tried explaining it to a person who is an advocate of the tough love approach, how damaging it can be to a person's recovery, and how much of a hindrance it can truly become. In the end, I don't think I changed any minds. :unsure:

Now, I'm actually one of the people who prefers being told to get a life. Seriously. Sometimes, I need someone to slap me upside the head, and tell me to get real, and do something else. It's a good way to knock me out of my damaging headspace. However, not everyone responds well to that, and unless a person is familiar with you, and your individual needs, and unless it comes from the best possible place, the tough love approach is probably best left alone.

The man sounds very rude, and very intrusive. Don't let this incident get you down, or ruin the mental health system for you. It's sad that even people who make it their life work to help people can display such ignorance and lack of compassion/understanding.


08-02-15, 10:40
I'm so sorry to hear that. I can relate to this as my GP and my therapist both asked if I was planning to end my life. I said no, I think about it but I won't kill myself.

I'm a criminology student and one of my units this year is crime, exclusion and mental health. It is basically, most of the people even the professional ones don't see mental illnesses as actual illnesses. Nobody tells you to 'get a life', 'get it together' or 'toughen up' when you break your arm for example.

One of my friends' cousin was very depressed years ago. She was telling my friend that she would jump off of a bridge so many times. Once my friend told her that she was just trying to get attention, if she really wanted to kill herself she would just jump off of bridge rather than talking about it. So she jumped off of a bridge and killed herself. My friend can't forgive herself since then...

f... it really, my aunt and cousins used to tell me how I sit on the same spot everyday, how I don't have any friends, how I'll never find anyone and how I'll live my whole life alone. These comments used to make me cry all the time but I don't care anymore and I removed these people from my life. I moved to another country, went to Uni and getting married next month.

If he's talking to people like that he is not a nice person and whatever "life" he has it doesn't matter because he doesn't deserve respect. A person who doesn't know empathy doesn't have a life in my eyes. Don't let it hurt you, I understand you, I know what you're going through.

Sorry I jumped from topic to topic, it made me angry and sometimes my English is not enough to express myself :)

Its a standard thing to enquire about whether you may take action, the IAPT have it in their questionairres, but it also has additional questions about how likely it is you would (a rating scale 1-10), have you thought about method, do you ever feel like life is not worth living and what stops you from taking any action.

I had it. Its just procedure but I know what you mean, it can come across a bit like you are being assessed for sectioning if you don't know its just standard forms for monitoring & decision making.

Well done, you have proved them all wrong and thats the best way! Do you think people who talk that way are often bitter that they haven't accomplished much themselves?

---------- Post added at 10:31 ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 ----------

The trouble is, when someone doesn't have personal experience of dealing with mental illness it can be very difficult for them to understand and emphasise in a meaningful way.

There are people who take the "tough love," approach, thinking people with anxiety (whatever brand it is...HA/SA/GAD etc) just need a kick up the butt and to get over it. They think they're helping, but often, what they're actually doing is sticking the boot in when you're already down.

I tried explaining it to a person who is an advocate of the tough love approach, how damaging it can be to a person's recovery, and how much of a hindrance it can truly become. In the end, I don't think I changed any minds. :unsure:

Now, I'm actually one of the people who prefers being told to get a life. Seriously. Sometimes, I need someone to slap me upside the head, and tell me to get real, and do something else. It's a good way to knock me out of my damaging headspace. However, not everyone responds well to that, and unless a person is familiar with you, and your individual needs, and unless it comes from the best possible place, the tough love approach is probably best left alone.

The man sounds very rude, and very intrusive. Don't let this incident get you down, or ruin the mental health system for you. It's sad that even people who make it their life work to help people can display such ignorance and lack of compassion/understanding.


I don't think any real therapist, counsellor, psychologist, etc would use the tough love approach. For some, like you, its good for it requires an understanding of the other persons mindset. Without such agreement with a client, I doubt it would be ethical.

Its obvious that this guy is not typical of that approach to me, his disrespect for personal belongings alone shows he is not fit for this type of work.

Personally, I just find it annoying and my response would be to apply it back on them to see how they like it.

---------- Post added at 10:40 ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 ----------

Thank you BlackCoffeeCup! I am proud I'm still here after it.. It could have harmed me far worse. I feel proud at least that it didn't do worse to me. <3 I just hope he isn't still going to other houses of people suffering with mental illness.. It's shocking how many people are allowed to hold positions of power like this when they shouldn't be NEAR them.

This guy goes beyond being a bad person at the role, he was disrespectful in general.

If you have a plumber round to look at something, if he starts fiddling with your camera you would give him a piece of your mind.

Making negative comments is a big no no in this work and he shouldn't even have brought your brother into the conversation. Anyone making a comment like that would be disrepectful, in any situation.

I'm glad you complained, many of us would have been too anxious to take something like that on.

I had a major falling out with my workplace when I left due to various dodgy actions of my manager and the others pretending things hadn't happened or being unwilling to take action to help me. I felt pushed out and in the end I quit but I did it on my own terms to their shocked faces. I suppose they thought they could just keep acting badly and I would put up with it because they believed they were right and would just come back and things would go on as before. There faces told a different story when I passed them my resignation in one of their 'check up' meetings.

For a long time I was angry, annoyed, etc about all this. I just concentrated on getting through each day and over time it mostly went. I rarely think about it 2 years on although if I see one of them, it does bring it back a bit but I can deal with it. If I run into one of them, if they want an argument, they can have one as I'm in a much better place thesedays and will stand my ground more, but even a bust up would die down in my head after a coulpe of days of stewing on & off.

Put your energies into the current situation and accept that the past is done. I know its harder than that, but you will get there eventually. Its only natural to feel the way you do about the medical profession but this guy really is one of the rarer ones and even if they may not always be useful, they are well meaning and conduct themselves with professionalism. Only engaging with them and seeing those that are good at what they do will probably change your mind, but perhaps through reading what others say on here, you may find your opinion becomes more open based on our experiences.

08-02-15, 19:19
Its a standard thing to enquire about whether you may take action, the IAPT have it in their questionairres, but it also has additional questions about how likely it is you would (a rating scale 1-10), have you thought about method, do you ever feel like life is not worth living and what stops you from taking any action.

I had it. Its just procedure but I know what you mean, it can come across a bit like you are being assessed for sectioning if you don't know its just standard forms for monitoring & decision making.

Well done, you have proved them all wrong and thats the best way! Do you think people who talk that way are often bitter that they haven't accomplished much themselves?

I see, well I also said I'm worried about my health and want to get better but I might have mentioned the method to my therapist :)

Thank you, yes you are definitely right, they wanted to feel better about themselves by picking on me like that.