View Full Version : Convienced I have ovarian cancer .. Can't stop crying

07-02-15, 17:04
I am convienced I have ovarian cancer I have all the symptoms, I'm in soo my pain!! I can't stop crying, I can't even look at my son as I'm so upset I won't see him grow up! I am panicing I can't breath! I am 24!

My symptoms are :
Back ache lower
Belly pain
Overy pain especially when I passed bowl mpvent
Now it's difficult to pass a bowl movement gone from needing to go 4 times a day to now constipated but I am taking codeine with paracetamol for the pain
I feel full quickly not sure of it's because I read it a symptom as I felt fine until then to now slipping meals and lost my appetite very u like me .... If anyone can help or make me feel better would be great!

07-02-15, 17:30
Codeine is known to have constipation as a side effect and anxiety really messes around with our appetite.

07-02-15, 19:59

Please don't panic, i know that is easier said than done, you won't have ovarian cancer. There are lots of non-sinister things out there which can affect your stomach. You could have a form of IBS (sometimes that feels low down), you could have PCOS - both not sinister at all. Please don't focus on the worst thing possible, i know how easy that is for me to say as i am convinced i have MS at the moment after only being reassured by a neuro last year that i didn't!

I had severe and i mean severe period like pains about 10 years ago, hurt when i went to the loo and it made me sweat it hurt that much, i was constantly bleeding and the pain was so bad! It turned out to be endometriosis - not a nice thing but totally harmless too but that goes to show that something really really harmless can cause such severe pain and that it's not always the worst thing possible.

Honestly, please don't worry. I really don't think that you have it in the slightest, if the pain continues i would see a dr - not because i think thats what you have at all but because you can't take codeine on a daily basis and it will probably take away a lot of anxiety for you :) Hope you're ok x

07-02-15, 21:02
I was also convinced I had ovarian cancer last year but it wasn't. Someone mentioned codeine making u constipated; it really does!!!!!! They used to prescribe them for people with diahorrea. So it will definitely change your bowel habits from the norm. How long have you had the pain for when u pass a bowel movement because I get the same ovary pain when I am ovulating. It hurts for a day or so. Even to walk hurts and I know the pain u mean in your ovary. You could be ovulating. I always convice myself I have cancer and I'm doing it now about a different type of cancer so I know how u are feeling and I also have a son too. but I really don't think you will have cancer at your age. Cysts on your ovaries are really really common, ive had them before and they went on their own. So many women have them. Your doctor can arrange for you to have a scan on your ovaries ive had them before. And it will put your mind at rest xx