View Full Version : penpals needed please

14-01-07, 09:21
hi there i suffer with depression anixiety panic attacks etc etc and really dont have much support as i live in a small town where these problems are not really talked about and to a certain degree frowned apon i really would love to make some email friends that wouldnt judge me i dont know if anyone is interested but it would be great if you was.Take care all xx

14-01-07, 09:24
I'd be happy to talk. PM me if you like.

Love Jo xx

14-01-07, 10:57
Hi Summer
Feel free to e mail or pm me anytime always ready for a chat.
Take care
Anne xx

14-01-07, 15:00
hi summer im always here if u need a chat im on msn knibbhome@hotmail.co.uk

d knibb

14-01-07, 17:11
Hi, you can p.m. me too, you are not alone ,and you certainly will not be judged. we are all here because we need each other.

15-01-07, 16:18
hi summer
you can pm me anytime, or msn bookworm@hotmail.co.uk ,
take care
denise :D:D

15-01-07, 23:26
Hi Summer please feel free to PM me anytime it would be really great to hear from you. Just click on my name to send me an e-mail or PM.

Take Care,;)

Love Pip's X X
