View Full Version : New group focused exclusively on recovery

07-02-15, 18:45
Hi All,

It has been a long running debate on this forum about the role of symptom threads and those seeking reassurance in the course of recovery. For some it is part of the process, for others it is a distraction from the business of recovering from HA.

My story is well rehearsed on here and in fact is pinned to the top of the forum. I come in here often to see if there are things that I can contribute to, but more often than not there isn't. I am not a doctor so can't comment on symptoms, and often there isn't a single thread that talks about getting better. The Getting There Slowly thread is the one exception to that and is great to see.

Anyway, I thought I would play around with FB and have set up a closed group that will deal exclusively with recovering from HA. Helping with the bumps in the road, giving people a pick up when they need it etc.

If it interests anyone, here is the link. At the moment it is just me kicking around in there :)


07-02-15, 20:13
Hey :) I've sent a join request. Sounds good... Just checking that none of my FB friends will see that I've joined or see my posts. I don't discuss my anxiety with anyone except family and close friends. And you lot of course!! :D

07-02-15, 20:26
I think that if someone finds the group then they can see who is a member, but unless they too are searching for health anxiety forums then there is no chance. It is a closed group so that no one outside of the group can see anything that is posted within it.

07-02-15, 21:06

08-02-15, 01:11
I don't have Facebook (so f*ck'n classy, to quote Girls) but this is a brilliant idea. I really really hope people make use of it cos honestly there's no way forward in the perpetual cycle. You have to actively force yourself out of it. Don't come on much anymore mostly cause I'm afraid of stepping backwards! This support is an essential tool for anyone want if to overcome HA and it's such a good opportunity.

08-02-15, 07:29
I really love that you are so focussed on recovery. I usually stay off here if I am feeling good. I guess the reassurance from others helps me a lot because I dont feel so alone or like I am being silly. This is a real issue and lots of people have to deal with it.

Definitely keen on your group because though I am not cured I have found some great things that definitely have helped me.


08-02-15, 08:02
Well there are seven of us kicking around in there now :)

08-02-15, 10:00

It is a good time to raise your concerns over this again, if you wish to, because NMP is at a point where I think change is inevitable. This change may mean there is the option to make some recommendations about the future. I think Nic has some things to think about.

Its the same across all the boards. There are a few recovery focussed long running threads on the go and the rest are person specific and usually short running.

So, I would suggest you consider what you believe should happen.

Personally, I don't think its going to go away but there is no reason that a strategy can't be put in place to raise more of these types of threads (just being able to read them is good for others too and may give them the motivation to join in more) or even have a separate place for them, especially with the turnover of threads on the HA board. I think its something that should be considered.

In terms of the whole medical advice debate, its never going to work until the mods either police ever single post across the whole website or premod things. Medical advice can be seen on most of the boards on this website, whether physical illness related or psychological including advice on therapy. There would need to be whole boards scrapped which are only for medical professionals or other qualified persons i.e. the medication and natural remedies boards. (the website t&c's only cover medical advice for the chat room and there is a thread only on the HA board from Venus...but it goes on all over this website). The charity I used to attend had a policy to avoid talking about specific medications for this very reason.

The mods are clearly unable to police this and there are threads knocking around that breach some of the other rules too. They always have the disclaimer that everything is one persons unqualified opinion anyway.

So, I think perhaps they need to consider what is practical for them and work around it with a new strategy to introduce something like what you want as it would be greatly beneficial.

Good luck with the support group.

08-02-15, 10:29
Joined FB group, and donated to NMP. Thanks for the link Terry.

08-02-15, 10:36
Hey Terry,

I always enjoy your posts, they are so well thought out and rational.

To be honest, I have slightly changed my stance on this away from having concerns as such. I am quite willing to accept that for some people, posting about some symptom or another is part of a process and who am I to criticise that. It doesn't work for me, but that is personal choice.

It really is a catch 22 as the health anxiety board is the most frequented so it is where most people post, yet it is also the space where threads that seek to address the issue of anxiety sink rapidly to the bottom.

I am not sure what the solution to that is, as you are right that all the similar anxiety boards have the same issue. It isn't about one or the other for me, it is about finding a balance between the two, otherwise as a new visitor you could well believe there is little hope. Personally I think we need to find a way of attracting more people here who are either recovered, on their way to recovery or are minded to tackle the issue of anxiety. I pop on here almost daily and am perfectly happy to give up the time I have available to try and support other people but there are so infrequently threads that I can contribute to without sounding like you are being critical of the original poster by suggesting they tackle anxiety above whatever issue they are posting about.

Similarly there is only so many times you can start a new thread about what worked for me etc. so those that no longer feel the need to post for reassurance slowly drift off.

I think I have mainly just rambled there, but hopefully you get my point.

08-02-15, 10:58
Thanks CPE, the same back at you!

I think you've put it very well.

The turnover makes it a big problem compared to most of the other boards. In a way, I would expect that with HA given how many possible triggers can occur as opposed to the other disorders where there is often an ongoing issue. Its the reassurance issue again isn't it? There is less of a need with the other disorders as, other than those really badly suffering, you tend to have more of a grasp of the distortions.

I think its good that you see it this way because it can be detrimental to your own situation if its frustrating and I think, like has been said before, there comes a point where you end up accepting it in order to prevent this. Many of us probably think this way at some point. Its either than or you spend a lot of time posting!

I always think the symptoms board and HA board are pretty much the same. Some HA people, as far as I can see but I may be wrong, do post on there too but the majority seem to come to the HA board. I often think of this board as a forum within a forum as its more of a community than on the other boards where people post in different places. Is there a way to tackle that? Could the HA board be divided up somehow so that one subforum is all recovery and one the rest? There would still need to be the other symptoms board for the rest of us, but it might make a clearer division on here and I would imagine the result would be a high turnover of symptoms/reassurance on one subforum and a slower (more 'sticky') recovery subforum which would keep the good work high up and easier to access?

It would be great to see more recovering people across all the boards. How could they be attracted? Something I find is that this website is more about the forum and its probably a lot of commitment for a recovered sufferer but I wonder if the main website can be expanded with more user stories, perhaps some articles can be researched and posted on here to keep things current, etc. I guess when you are recovered, many may return to living their lives and leave all this behind them.

Maybe your new group will be a useful vehicle to understand how it can be applied elsewhere?

08-02-15, 23:02
I applaud you, this is so important. I don't do facebook but I'll try to find a way to be a part of this, if it is going forward. I agree with you that there are not enough threads about recovery, I don't understand this, I truly don't, this is the only reason I come to the forum, I want to know how other people got out of this. I think that experience is invaluable. I don't understand why people don't seem to want to get out of it. I guess most people aren't as tortured as I am, never in my life have I faced such a formidable opponent, I feel I am in a fight for my life, for my existence. To describe how intensely painful it is, defies description, but a friend of mine who had ha several years ago described it as 'I felt I was being murdered'. I can't bring any better light on it, when it has gone full tilt, and you have lost control of your life and your emotions. Please make the group as you have described. It will be labor well spent, if only a few people make the trip, thank you.

08-02-15, 23:48
sometimes i feel like i come across as harsh when i try to reply to some of the posts - when i'm feeling okay to - and i know i shouldn't because i have been there at the bottom, worrying over every single thing, but it gets so frustrating in a way, to see that advice isn't heeded. so the more positive threads and head on anxiety tackles, the better! i try to bump up te getting there slowly thread when i can but often if the other girls and i perhaps don't post for a day or so, it's swallowed up. gah i don't know. i'm at such a crossroads on it but i try to be as comforting as i can, even though sometimes i feel like hurtling myself against a wall and not saying a word again. i might even just set up a fb for this group so ic can help people who do want help. :D

09-02-15, 00:18
I think it's great to focus on recovery and You're right in your observations. Having been a part of the boards for an extended period of time (and as an outsider to HA), I see the all too familiar patterns. I can almost predict the responses any more.

I personally find myself posting and reading less as it seems to never end. Those that have taken the steps toward recovery move on and like the cancer boards, fall away from the reminders of their affliction and move on with life.

Sadly, there are those whose illness is like a co-dependent relationship and will never take the steps needed to heal. Post history is a very revealing aspect of an individual's illness.

I hope to see your group grow. You've imparted a very straightforward and practical approach to dragon slaying. I hope more benefit from your experience and words of wisdom. Like WNSOS, I find myself at a crossroad as well. My wife asked why I spend so much time trying to help. I really thought about that. Firstly, it's just my nature and a part of who I am. I hate too see anyone suffering. Then I looked deeper into myself for an answer. I suffered from depression and some GAD and perhaps being here helps me cope with my own mental demons as they pale in comparison to a lot of what I read here. So, in trying to help others, I've helped myself and I believe I've reached a certain point of healing both physically and mentally and a different path beckons.

Positive thoughts

09-02-15, 00:57
You've helped me throughout my journey immensely, fmp. :) Your spirit is infectious and you've given so much, just want you to know it's definitely been appreciated.

I think there might only be so far we can go to help people who don't seem to want to be helped. I know when I was hit with HA I was practically psychotic in my obsessions. I was so convinced I had something terribly wrong with me, I didn't believe it could just be anxiety either. With the help of cpe's post and approach combined with the getting there slowly ladies, I actively said to myself alright, let's say this is anxiety, I have to stop it before it gets worse. I didn't even get my CBT til this month so thank god for the free CBT booklet on NMP! I dunno. I feel like I could talk this to death and not get to the point I want but there's a limit to reassurance seeking. Even when people are aware they're seeking, I think that's positive cause they do see they have anxiety but ahh I dunno. Anyway I'm going to try helping still but *sigh*

09-02-15, 07:58
Brilliant - I've asked to join aswell.....xx

10-02-15, 09:50
sometimes i feel like i come across as harsh when i try to reply to some of the posts - when i'm feeling okay to - and i know i shouldn't because i have been there at the bottom, worrying over every single thing, but it gets so frustrating in a way, to see that advice isn't heeded. so the more positive threads and head on anxiety tackles, the better! i try to bump up te getting there slowly thread when i can but often if the other girls and i perhaps don't post for a day or so, it's swallowed up. gah i don't know. i'm at such a crossroads on it but i try to be as comforting as i can, even though sometimes i feel like hurtling myself against a wall and not saying a word again. i might even just set up a fb for this group so ic can help people who do want help. :D

Its the same for all anxiety disorders really though isn't it, we give advice but its hard challenging fears so I think you have to be as neutral as you can because someone will be ready when they are but until then you can only try to encourage.

Reassurance seeking is common to anxiety in general, its just more prevalent in HA from joining this place and reading what you guys talk about. I know I see it on the OCD board and possible some others.

I've been seeing this discussing since not long after I joined and my opinion has not changed, challenge it with the mods & Nic about what to change on NMP to steer it in the right direction eg make changes to the boards. Until some people start doing this, its going to be unrealistic to expect it to change or revert to a current state.

The FB groups, which I wish everyone the best of luck with, introduces greater control by restricting the discussion to keep it on target. I'm sure some of that could be achieved on here too if people get together and come up with some ideas to present back to Nic & co. Then you get posts everyone can read and it would be great to see this because isn't there a danger of it sliding further on here?

Smaller groups working together makes loads of sense to me. I find it helpful on a thread I'm involved in that a new member had set up for themselves which just grew to be more about moving forward in general. Its just the old issue of traffic but on the other boards its easier to keep it in the top 5 threads and so you almost need a division between only recovery based threads and symptoms threads on this board to give them apart.

10-02-15, 10:12
Like wnsos, I think I might come across as harsh sometimes as well, but there comes a time when you have to start breaking the cycle, otherwise you'll be in it forever. I tended not to post about my own symptoms very much though, as I tend to internalise things rather than subject other people to my madness!

I'm in a reasonable state of recovery myself, but I try to pop here every so often and see if there's anything useful that I can say to anyone. However, as we all know HA needs managing and controlling, and iot's never truly "cured". Therefore any of us can have an upsurge of it depending on triggers and circumstances. But when that happens, you have to go through all the stuff that helped before and work yourself through it.

10-02-15, 10:36
I feel like there is something I want to say about this, but am having a complete brain-fart today, so I won't try and delve into debate right now. I will come along and join your group though :)

10-02-15, 10:44
but am having a complete brain-fart today

Is that a type of brain fog that projects outwards? :winks::D

10-02-15, 14:12
Is that a type of brain fog that projects outwards? :winks::D

Something like that! It's like one of those timed air freshener things, that inconveniently pumps out a new brain fog just as you're about to grasp a thought - sometimes it makes noise, sometimes it's silent but deadly.... either way the thought gets fogged away :D

Catherine S
10-02-15, 15:13
Are you talking about people who have accepted their anxiety actually is anxiety and nothing more sinister than how it affects us mentally and physically, and have begun or completed the journey back from it? If so, i'm in :)


10-02-15, 18:54
Hi there, this sounds very interesting to me (and I haven't admitted this to anyone yet) as for the past 5/6 months I have been coming on here, checking first the HA forum, then the IBS, then the female health then hot footing it off the site completely as I have read another symptom I should maybe be worrying about. Not addressing the actual HA itself but fisninf something else to trigger it off. It has become a ritual, that I have to check the forums in this order. I think it has something I do with the fact I never read anything on the HA forum that is similar to my anxiety, just people asking for advice about symptoms. Not what I need, it makes me more anxious and unbelievably panicky but I can't help but check. None of family or friends know I have been dealing with this, been to the doctor or have therapy so I'm worried about joining on fb. Another thing to be anxious about! Haha!!

10-02-15, 22:40
I think I've reached the point in my recovery where I need to follow a different path, and Chris's Facebook group seem to be the perfect follow on from NMP. I'm very grateful for all the help I've received from various members, especially the folk on the "getting there slowly" thread and Chris's "make a plan and get on it". Good luck to all.

11-02-15, 09:47
None of family or friends know I have been dealing with this, been to the doctor or have therapy so I'm worried about joining on fb. Another thing to be anxious about! Haha!!

Hi Harvietom, just to reassure you that the facebook group is a closed group, so your family and friends won't see if you join, or any of the posts that you make. :)

11-02-15, 20:43

11-02-15, 23:31
Whilst I agree with some points here,

The major thing is this is a Health Anxiety Forum, For a lot of people it is extremely hard to break out of the Health Anxiety process, the seeking reassurance over symptoms or sensations is part of that process.

We all know that reassurance can lead to negative reinforcement, I am guilty of this behaviour myself, but that is the nature of the behavioural condition....just because some have managed to "beat" it for now still does not give them the right to act all high and mighty, but you must also consider that we can fall off the wagon as easy as an alcoholic or an ex smoker.

Yes Anxiety will not kill you or anyone else but it can leave you in one hell of a mess it can even lead to extreme behaviour like myself for example smashing the house apart in fight or flight response years ago, if re-assuring someone who is panicing saves any of that then so be it, but i agree there should be more topics aimed at recovery for example, has anyone tried the ****** method for, I dont see any posts that show others this method.(I didnt search) There could easily be stickys with such methods, stickys with relaxation techniques such as bineral beats, meditation or whatever.

12-02-15, 01:44
I mean honestly, when I found this forum a few years ago it was BECAUSE I was googling symptoms and linked to here. I am willing to bet that is how so many people with HA find this website. I say that because when I found it, I was in such a desperate place with googling/obsessing/reassurance-seeking and wrote a lot of threads seeking reassurance that I look back on and really see the difference in my own mental health. I am willing to bet that this desperate place is where many new HA sufferers to the forum are, because like me, they found this site doing a desperate HA act - googling!

I do agree with everybody about not providing reassurance, etc, I just think that sometimes the responses could come from a place led by more compassion. I usually look at threads that - I admit do bother me as well - seek a lot of reassurance over and over and take a minute to reflect on if I can respond in a clear and compassionate way without being overly critical or getting too emotionally wrapped up in that person's situation. If I can't, if I find it is really bothering me, I just don't respond and move on to the next one. We can't "fix" people or convince them to change, we can just be there if we feel we are able to.

Like many people have said, the mods can't control everything people post on here. I think it's really up to each individual to decide what they want to read and what they don't. If we want more positive posts, we have to be the ones to post them. I say that about myself, I should post more positive things as well.

---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ----------

But I apologize for getting off the main topic ... the facebook group sounds like a really nice idea :)

Catherine S
12-02-15, 20:24
Hi swgrl09...I see where you're coming from and I agree that desperation is what brings people to the forum in the first place, usually via Google. The facebook group is kind of the next step for people who are recovering..as in..people who have accepted that they are suffering from anxiety and aren't asking for a diagnosis of symptoms so seldom feel the need to Google any longer or ask about illnesses that Google might suggest etc. It's just somewhere people who are more or less at the same point in their recovery can visit and share experiences and are able to now have a bit of a laugh about how bad they once were! It doesn't mean not visiting nmp to give advice, we can still do that too, but the new group is a bit more intimate not being so big, and there are no usernames...just real people so you feel you get to know them much better and they you.

I'm now a member there, and even after just a few days I can feel my tense shoulders dropping already :D I never know what i'll be faced with when I log into nmp, and you don't have to actually read the threads to see what alot of them are about, so sometimes even seeing so many thread titles asking for a diagnosis or wanting to end it all can be quite daunting for people who just want help to be able to drive on the motorway again! So its a good place for recovering health anxies to meet up. Also, because its facebook, people have to send a request to join and are monitored, so a decision is made about whether the group can help them with their recovery journey or not. Hope that helps to make it a little clearer.

Best wishes

13-02-15, 00:46
That does! Thanks, ISB. I think it sounds really lovely, I just get nervous with facebook and privacy. Even though it is a closed group, I worry at times that facebook will change it's structure or policies and things will be visible ... has happened in the past to me! But I might think about joining.

Catherine S
13-02-15, 16:03
Yes it freaked alot of us out at first because all the posts appear on your Home page but only you can see them and nobody else, and if you go into your wall page they don't appear on there at all and that's where your friends and family are. Also, I understand what you mean about facebook changing all the time but I doubt they'd change this as they'd lose alot of members if they did....me included lol!


15-02-15, 00:30
Hi there, this sounds very interesting to me (and I haven't admitted this to anyone yet) as for the past 5/6 months I have been coming on here, checking first the HA forum, then the IBS, then the female health then hot footing it off the site completely as I have read another symptom I should maybe be worrying about. Not addressing the actual HA itself but fisninf something else to trigger it off. It has become a ritual, that I have to check the forums in this order. I think it has something I do with the fact I never read anything on the HA forum that is similar to my anxiety, just people asking for advice about symptoms. Not what I need, it makes me more anxious and unbelievably panicky but I can't help but check. None of family or friends know I have been dealing with this, been to the doctor or have therapy so I'm worried about joining on fb. Another thing to be anxious about! Haha!!

Ha - HarveyTom you sound just like I was. This became my google substitute.

15-02-15, 04:56
That does! Thanks, ISB. I think it sounds really lovely, I just get nervous with facebook and privacy. Even though it is a closed group, I worry at times that facebook will change it's structure or policies and things will be visible ... has happened in the past to me! But I might think about joining.

There is a similiar concern when you attend self help groups such as walk-ins, recovery courses, etc. I found I had to get to know the people a bit more and the level of what was discussed but with it being new people each week, there is a lot on here that you probably couldn't discuss eg thoughts of a sexual nature on the OCD board.

The way they normally get around this is by only using first names. They also advise you to only discuss what you are comfortable with because it can get outside the group as it relies on the participants to show mutual respect to the rules. They also advise you not to discuss issues from inside the group with people in the group outside of the place it is conducted but some make friends and choose to discuss things as they wish although you can't talk about others from inside the group or their discussions. At mine there was also a rule that you couldn't name outsiders from the group by name for the same reasons.

Not talking about things you could not secure inside the group becomes less of an issue in a recovery group though because if you can't do it, you won't get everything out of the therapist led ones to my mind unless the focus is on self help. If its a Level 3 group such as group CBT, if you can't safely talk, they wouldn't work. Even then, its not like you can use DPA to hold people to releasing information as we can on here if Nic or the mods published your ID or personal information.

So, you have to have some basic rules as the charities do. Beyond that though, closed groups are only as secure as those in them but its normally mitigated by the fact its verbal and first names only hence can't be reissued or members traced.

Its a good idea but there are security issues which only exist because of how FB works. Or can you use a screenname in a closed group?

It also means having clearly defined rules which we have on here but there are resource issues in enforcing them.

15-02-15, 17:12
Afternoon MNIT. I suppose it depends on where you are in your journey.

When I was starting to bounceback from the depths of anxiety I found forums amazing. But as time went on I started craving something different. I think at the time I referred to it as reaching a plateau where I felt ok, but not back to normal. I was lucky at that time as there were a couple of members I conversed with off line, even on the phone a couple of times.

So the group we have set up is small, select not well promoted but offers an outlet for those people who just need a pick up from time to time or who want to discuss practical strategies for recovery.

Touch wood in the first week or so of being in existence we only have 44 members, incredibly respectful chat and positive approaches. Yes you don't have the anonymity of the forum - ultimately for example everyone can see my real name and photo. But to be honest I am at the point where that doesn't bother me. Mental health has such a stigma yet affects so many and so I suppose I am quite comfortable admitting to relative strangers that I suffer from anxiety. There is also little danger of discussing issues of a sexual nature etc. as the discussion is either just general supportive stuff or about anxiety recovery.

We will see how it goes. If it heads down hill then I will shut it down. We have a couple of admins who moderate posts if necessary but as yet it has been completely unnecessary and it has been a pleasure to form some online friendships around the world with people who know what I have been through.

Horses for courses though. Suits me, and I guess suits some of the people who have joined but there is also a lot to be said for a username.

16-02-15, 07:11
I too am at a stage in my recovery, where I don't mind people knowing that I have HA. It's a shame that there is still the stigma that makes us ashamed to admit we have a problem. As you say Chris, not everyone will find it suits them, but then there is NMP and similar forums for those who aren't comfortable with FB. It's lovely to have a choice.

16-02-15, 08:24
I think this is an excellent move and much needed! I'm not on facebook but have my ways of dealing with HA which are sometimes successful and sometimes woefully inadequate!:D

I think that NMP's HA forum has just become a breeding ground for reassurance-seekers. At some stage we have to say enough is enough in order to make any progress at all. I can't see how it helps any sufferer to manage HA by continually comparing notes on symptoms?

16-02-15, 13:36
I think that NMP's HA forum has just become a breeding ground for reassurance-seekers. At some stage we have to say enough is enough in order to make any progress at all. I can't see how it helps any sufferer to manage HA by continually comparing notes on symptoms?


Perhaps its just the way the boards cycle but it's been increasing the above over the last 6-9 months.

Positive thoughts

16-02-15, 15:53
I mean honestly, when I found this forum a few years ago it was BECAUSE I was googling symptoms and linked to here. I am willing to bet that is how so many people with HA find this website. I say that because when I found it, I was in such a desperate place with googling/obsessing/reassurance-seeking and wrote a lot of threads seeking reassurance that I look back on and really see the difference in my own mental health. I am willing to bet that this desperate place is where many new HA sufferers to the forum are, because like me, they found this site doing a desperate HA act - googling!

I do agree with everybody about not providing reassurance, etc, I just think that sometimes the responses could come from a place led by more compassion. I usually look at threads that - I admit do bother me as well - seek a lot of reassurance over and over and take a minute to reflect on if I can respond in a clear and compassionate way without being overly critical or getting too emotionally wrapped up in that person's situation. If I can't, if I find it is really bothering me, I just don't respond and move on to the next one. We can't "fix" people or convince them to change, we can just be there if we feel we are able to.

Like many people have said, the mods can't control everything people post on here. I think it's really up to each individual to decide what they want to read and what they don't. If we want more positive posts, we have to be the ones to post them. I say that about myself, I should post more positive things as well.

---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ----------

But I apologize for getting off the main topic ... the facebook group sounds like a really nice idea :smile:

I find myself really sitting on the fence with this debate re: reassurance seeking posts, because I agree with swgirl09 here in that I expect a lot of people have found this forum because they were reassurance seeking, and I think the reassurance that they are needing is to be told it's anxiety.

...But, we all know, it's not like a light switch is suddenly flicked on at the beginning, a heck of a lot of that reassurance seeking revolves around a complex sort of clarification process. "I'm told it's anxiety, but I don't understand X, Y or Z, so does that not mean it could still be worry A, B or C?!" The problem here, is that this is a site full of user-generated content, and unfortunately the users do not always find themselves in a position to be able to answer those questions, we are wearing out our already overtired minds trying to help those seekers, and becoming increasingly frustrated by it... because you cannot "see" the results really...

A lot of health anxiety is very self-orientated (as is the internet generally I would say), so I think there is also a tendency to presume that you are the first one to have these doubts and concerns, or that even if you do search the forum, someone else's answers are just not-quite-right... so you make a new post... What I'm saying, is that I don't think it's something that should or ever would be stopped... but we have to find our own ways to move on from doing it ourselves and from letting it affect us...

Uh... I don't actually know where I'm going with this, mainly just pondering out loud... I like the group that Chris has made, but I think that's because it contains a lot of nice people who I'm comfortable talking to about anxiety. As a rule though, I don't enjoy Facebook as a medium... I've always felt it's a little sinister... and probably if I hadn't already spent so long talking to people first on NMP, I wouldn't be terribly comfortable with this type of group - there is still something to be said for a bit of online anonymity in the right places.

16-02-15, 21:13

17-02-15, 00:14
"A lot of health anxiety is very self-orientated (as is the internet generally I would say), so I think there is also a tendency to presume that you are the first one to have these doubts and concerns, or that even if you do search the forum, someone else's answers are just not-quite-right... so you make a new post... What I'm saying, is that I don't think it's something that should or ever would be stopped... but we have to find our own ways to move on from doing it ourselves and from letting it affect us..."

^^ This. I agree totally, Mindknot. I think, having been there myself at the point where some of the reassurance seekers have been, I don't think it's fair to be so harsh all the time towards them (us really, as it is me sometimes!)... I think if you find yourself wanting to say "Enough is Enough," maybe take time away from the board. I've been a member here 4 years now and yes, it cycles, but this has always been something that has happened here.

21-02-15, 20:45
Bumpity bump bump x