View Full Version : Actually. I now, no longer get palpitations.

07-02-15, 23:23
Not since undergoing a 2nd 'catheter ablation'. I started getting palpitations, mild at first, around 2005. I had just turned 60. They suddenly started occurring, but just seemed to disappear if my mind was occupied with something else.
Then in mid December 2006. I was in hospital recovering from having a large chunk of overactive thyroid removed, when I woke up one morning with another palp. episode. They put me on a portable ECG. Prescribed Ramipril. Kept me in a couple of extra days, then sent me home. I took the meds as directed. Then on Christmas morning 2006. I ruined the entire family's christmas, by having a stroke. Or rather a TIA (mini stroke). A few more days in hospital, then home again. After that, I saw a succession of doctors who all just scratched their heads and juggled around with different meds. Until one of them eventually referred me to a visiting doctor, who just happened the be the head of cardiology at Barts (St. Bartholomews) hospital in London. He immediately recommended undergoing an ablation, after explaining the risks etc.

Any questions or comments, so far?

09-02-15, 12:05
I should perhaps add, that the above was not posted out of arrogance or oneupmanship. But simply to re-assure that there is hope and highly likely to be a solution out there for you.

Catherine S
10-02-15, 00:47
Hi, thanks for sharing, although the part about the mini stroke was a bit scary to read because of my health anxiety :). However, I've suffered with ectopics most of my adult life, starting in my 20's and now 61, but I take beta blockers and they seem to help a lot and thankfully haven't had a bad run of them for well over a year now. A friend of mine also had a cardio ablation some years ago, but to treat his bouts of tachicardia..racing heart. The specialist discovered a rogue nerve that would randomly stimulate his heart sometimes so this procedure was recommended and the nerve was cauterised I believe.


10-02-15, 08:17
Hi. Yes, I guess that I have been very lucky. I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrilation. But reading some of the posts in the forum. I honestly had no idea that there were quite so many other causes and triggers for palpitations.