View Full Version : Pain in calf. Can you get a blood clot at age 15?!?

08-02-15, 00:23
I was sitting down last night and my calf started hurting pretty bad. Then today I was sitting and my calf started hurting again. I haven't done anything to pull my muscle. I'm scared. Can I get a blood clot at 15?? I don't have any of the symptoms of a blood clot other then very mild pain. (Curse you doctor Google) do you think this could just be growing pains?

08-02-15, 17:47
I'd suggest it is very likely to be growing pains :)

You CAN get a blood clot at 15, but it's unlikely unless you spend most of your day sitting down and not moving :) The pain from a clot is usually constant, and the leg usually swells and gets pretty red and warm as well.

It's so unlikely at your age, don't worry :)

08-02-15, 21:36
Could it be possible that it's a pinched nerve?

09-02-15, 00:59
Could be, but I doubt it. You're 15, growing pains sounds most likely

09-02-15, 01:51
It's only in one leg though. And now my thigh is hurting. Only my calf when I stretch it out. Should I see a doctor. There are little twitches in my leg. I've been told that I'd
Do it was a blood clot it would only hurt in one small part of the leg where the clot would be. Sometimes my calf hurts, sometimes my thigh hurts and twitches. I'm thinking about seeing a doctor just to be safe.

09-02-15, 22:34
Go see a doctor if you're worried, i'm sure it'll be fine though

10-02-15, 01:13
Update: it's really my inner thigh that is hurting today. I don't think it's as bad as yesterday's pain. Sometimes throughout the day I've felt almost like vibrations in my leg or something like that. I'm probably going to see a doctor on Wednesday If the pain is still there.

10-02-15, 18:32
Hi Joelfinch32,
I had a DVT following surgery which started in my right calf & there was no pain whatsoever, however, what drew my attention to it was the calf got really hot & red & there was some swelling.If you're worried you can go to your doctor who should be able to arrange a scan called a Doppler scan (at least it is in England) which will tell you if you have a blood clot or not.It is possible at 15 but must be very rare & more than likely to be just a general ache or something I would imagine,especially if you're otherwise fit & healthy & fairly active.

11-02-15, 00:21
Still hurting today. My knee cap is hurting now. I'll probably go to the doctor soon. I'm pretty sure there's something wrong. I don't think a simple ache would last for 4 days straight. I just don't know what i could be. Still no symptoms from the outside, just pain.

13-02-15, 01:41
Doing better today the pain isn't constant anymore and it's mild. Getting better every day. Still haven't gone to the doctor.

19-02-15, 16:36
Well, more than a week later. There's still off and on pain in my leg. I still don't know what could be wrong?

20-02-15, 13:21
Well, more than a week later. There's still off and on pain in my leg. I still don't know what could be wrong?

Anxiety can cause pretty bad muscle cramping, especially if you're especially worried about getting cramps in the first place. So can dehydration and sleep deprivation/fatigue, both of which are more common than blood clots, especially in someone your age :)