View Full Version : Medical Abortion with HA

08-02-15, 00:26
Hello you wonderful people.

First of all, I want to say thank you - my HA kicked off again late last year and this site has been an absolute god send to me :hugs:knowing that there are so many people out there with similar things going on is such a comfort, we really are all in this together!

I am hoping this post won't offend anybody, I am just seeking some reassurance and would like to hear off others that have had similar experinces (not that I would wish this situation upon anyone)

Two days ago I had a medical abortion, I was 5 weeks gone and for personal reasons made this very hard choice. It has now been around 57 hours since my medical abortion started and everything has gone to plan, the bleeding is starting to calm way down and the cramps too. Obviously my state of mind is currently something of an emotional wreck, but I do have a lovely boyfriend supporting me, he is my angel.

Because my HA was in its main throws, finding out I was pregnant, plus those symptoms and plus the abortion sent my head west - and I have become terrified about infection.

I took my anti biotics, I have followed all the rules so far and kept clean so my risk is pretty low, this I know. But every now and again when I start becoming aware of my breathing, I start to go back to my usual paranoid ways and end up thinking I cannot breathe, today also I had the mildest chest twinges but of course because of my situation I convinced myself this was all due to infection - the chest aches did go away and I have not had any since this morning ( when I say mild, they would not have even bothered my HA on a normal day). Basically all of my normal anxiety symptoms are now not normal to me & I am convinced that EVERYTHING is linked to an infection or something sinister. And yes of course, I asked Dr Google and the first thing that came up was a headline about a girl who died from the abortion pill :weep:

I do feel fine considering, apart from being abit emotional and my hormones playing havoc with me I am ok. I will list everything below as I know I am wittering on.

Bleeding - normal, obviously.
Cramping - Very faint and spread out now - almost gone.
Hyperventilation - only when I am thinking of my breathing.
VERY mild chest "twinges" - this morning, came with no other issue and went as fast as they came ( I suffer from this quite badly as a HA symptom anyway)

And that is it :) I suppose I just need to hear from people outside of my situation and in a less emotional state of mind. I am aware these situations are stressfull and have no doubt triggered my anxiety to the highest possible level!

Please know, if I have offended anybody with this subject I am really truly sorry.


08-02-15, 02:19
Hello Lu88,

No words can be said to comfort you at the moment regarding your Op, but you will feel better in time.
As regards to your symptoms; it sounds like Anxiety to me, especially considering what you have been through.
I had a Miscarriage years ago and I did get an infection, and believe me when I say it is pain beyond belief. You would not be able to type on your Computer for a start.
Just don't lift anything too heavy or overdo things, get plenty of rest. :)

09-02-15, 16:51
Thank you so much for your comment & support xxxxxx this site is a godsend!! :hugs: