View Full Version : Rust colored poop anyone?

08-02-15, 01:30
I just went to the bathroom today after being constipated for a day, and it was rust coloured.

When I wiped - sorry - it almost looked like blood, but it didn't stain the tissue as I've heard blood does, also the whole poop was that color, inside and out - yes I examined....

I have recently eaten home made icecream that contained a lot of cocoa and I also ate a stuffed red pepper for dinner the night before so not sure if this could do it - but that's it as far as 'red' stuff goes.

It was more brown than rust, but definitely a rust color.

Anyone else had this?

I recently had all stool tests done including the inflammation test on stool and all came back normal.

Could it have been blood?
The whole poop ( there was a lot) was this color - no streak of this color or anything but the whole poop - I feel that blood in stools wouldn't present this way?

Anyone know.

Trying not to freakkkkk out. (again)

08-02-15, 01:37
If it didn't stain the tissue it's not blood. I drank beet juice once and my stool was red afterwards but didn't stain the tissue. You would be 100% sure if it was blood. The rust colour is probably coming from what you ate.

08-02-15, 01:39
yeah it doesn't look like blood - in the bright red blood or the dark blood, but it was all rust coloured... the whole poop!

If it were blood, the toilet paper would go red right?
The toilet paper was just the same color as the poop.
Double guessing myself now.

08-02-15, 01:52
Yep the tissue would go red. I found blood clots in my stool once and they stained the tissue. I was sure it wss blood. I had all kinds of stools it's allabout what you eat and anxiety, as food go down very quickly sometimes and you have weird coloured stools when you're anxious. 2 weeks ago I had a beige colour stool, it turned back to normal the next day.

08-02-15, 02:14
yeah I"m hoping tomorrow will be normal - I've had such issues with poop lately and I've had every test done excluding a colonoscopy so I'm sure if there was something wrong it would have shown - this was all last month.
Anxiety does amazing things - for me it's figuring out what is anxiety related and what is a 'real.'

Tissue didn't go red.

---------- Post added at 02:14 ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 ----------

Thank you for answering by the way.


08-02-15, 02:34
You're welcome, don't hesitate to ask if you have further questions. I've become kind of a poo expert in the last 2-3 months :)

08-02-15, 19:16
Does normal poop stain the paper brown? Now I seem to have green and weird colors mixed in - I'm thinkin my whole poop is just covered in blood - inside and out. I'm completely freakin out and will go to dr again.

08-02-15, 20:59
Try not to look at your poop too much.