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14-01-07, 10:43

I started having problems with anxiety 12 years ago following the suicide of someone i was in a relationship with. The relationship wasn't long at all but threw me completely. I had started college around this time as well. I wasn't a particularly confident person, ever, had problems with blushing but still went out to work/uni/with friends.

Had my first panic attack giving a presentation then i started with symptoms of social anxiety over the 3 years i was at college. For the past 8 years i've been on seroxat (now off and on venlafaxine). I'm having therapy for the first time as well.

I sometimes wonder if my problems are maybe as a result of PTSD and not just social anxiety. Thought i'd just air my views and see what you guys say.


14-01-07, 14:02
Hi Cassie,

Without knowing more about your situation it would be difficult to determine. To be honest have a chat with your doctor about your situation, at least then you will have a professional diagnosis.

Hugs to you


14-01-07, 14:17
Hi Cassie,

I was held by a armed robber at knifepoint 13 years ago, and it wasnt until 3 years later i started with Panic attacks (although in those 3 years i did loose alot of confidence), I was also a out going person and never had any problems with mixing in public, but as the years went on i found it harder to socialise. I was finally Diagnosed with PTSD which then develeloped into Agorophobia.
Now i am getting the right help i need, its taken many years to get, but feel i am getting there.
Its good to hear you are having therapy too Cassie, im sure it will help you get back on the road to recovery.



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"