View Full Version : Can't bend one of my toes

08-02-15, 03:04
Hi everyone

I just realized I can't bend one of my toes in my right foot. It's the one next to the pinky toe. It doesn't have strength either but my left one is strong and can bend all my toes in left foot. I'm panicking a lot right now, I have massive ALS fears and this scared me sooo much!!!!

Is there anyone else who can't bend all their toes? Please help!

08-02-15, 21:05
I've never noticed until now but I can't either. Ain't no thang :yesyes:

08-02-15, 22:53
Oh god thanks for replying! I was going crazy over this. So it's normal then? I don't know for how long it's been like this, I just realized this last night :)

08-02-15, 23:52
you're welcome! i remember noticing so many things i never noticed ever before at th bottom. i think so? i hope so cause my toes are awful enough as it is. :D

08-02-15, 23:59
I'm not too experienced in HA yet that's why I'm noticing new things about my body everyday. Can't believe that 6 months ago I didn't have HA. Well I hope so too, but at least it's reassuring to know that so ebody else has the same thing. If not we're going down together :)