View Full Version : How powerful is health anxiety? Can it create symptoms and make them worse?

08-02-15, 04:07
Okay so I am in and out of the battle against health anxiety that cause panic attacks. On days that I am not anxious I have minimal symptoms. But on days I am feeling bad I develop chest pain, dizziness, nausea, dissociation, blurred vision, pain high in my cheeks, discomfort in my throat, pain and tingling radiating down the arms and sometimes in my legs.

This comes and goes from one day to the next. I am so tired out by the roller coaster that I am so lethargic. Or is that another symptom of something more sinister?

I have a headache nearly every day and have a persistent dry cough that has gone on for weeks.

I have been to the doctors they have listened to my chest and told me there is nothing wrong. Originally i was told i have costochondritis but then the last Dr told me i didnt. I have had bloods to rule out anything viral.

I just dont know what is going on or when it is going to end?! It is just doing my head in.

My husband keeps saying to me, you are fine. The Dr said you have nothing to worry about. But I just cant stand feeling like this without an answer.

If a Doctor could tell me absolutely that all of this is caused by anxiety I could probably get past it but no such luck.

Help me please fellow sufferers I am at my wits end...

08-02-15, 06:17
Anxiety can pretty much cause anything outside of "concrete" stuff like bleeding I guess!

The symptoms you describe sounds like stuff that's happening to many people suffering from anxiety. That doesn't mean you're "fine" either, but it most likely mean you're out of danger! Especially since doctors have told you you didn't have anything.

Learning to cope with, control your anxiety and relax could probably help get rid of those symptoms.

08-02-15, 07:25
Thank you, I really appreciate your support. Anxiety is so unfair!
Its hard when you get so fixated on your symptoms that you can hardly do anything but think of them...

Now, going to do some deep breathing and calm the hell down!!

08-02-15, 18:29
It is most likely anxiety, but if it continues for 3 weeks or longer get a second opinion and ask that doctor outright why they aren't testing you and if it could possibly be your worries. Then be reassured there is nothing wrong! In the mean time be reassured it is nothing serious as your body is strong and the symptoms aren't getting worse.