View Full Version : Something new to google... Positive thread.

08-02-15, 11:22
I've stopped googling symptoms - so far so good - and started googling Health Anxiety and Hypochondria. Believe it or not it helps so much snap me out of my funk and start to rationalise.
Try it! When your heading to google every ailment, Google what you already know that you have - Health Anxiety! X

08-02-15, 14:31
Awh - was so good to read your post - I've been doing the exact same ..... I've been on youtube aswell listening to other peoples stories of Hypochondria ..... it does help. I'm also away to start reading some books.....

08-02-15, 21:04
This is great to hear, mrs. Was definitely the first step for me.

08-02-15, 22:23
I'm in no ways close to recovery but it's helping xx

08-02-15, 23:57
you're making an active stand though. :) that's a lot further than it seems! trust me.

09-02-15, 10:01
Thanks wnsos. I'm definitely trying! And it really does help so much x

09-02-15, 10:41
Yep! That definitely helped me a lot. I started keeping all the helpful anxiety links I found on a big list too, so that I can refer back if I'm ever feeling unsure :) Keep at it!