View Full Version : Oh god...I googled

08-02-15, 22:15
So tonight's symptom? Burning arm - as in the muscle.

Googled and guess what appears? Burning arm normally indicates a problem with the nervous system and symptoms like this that either move around but are of similar nature or stay in one place are hallmark symtoms of MS.


08-02-15, 22:22
Oh honey please stop googling. ANYTHING and everything can tell you you have any disease in the world. Please refrain xx

08-02-15, 22:25
I agree with Mrschurchill, anything symptom can tell you you have some serious disease. I know it's difficult but please stay away from google. It won't help you at all. If it's gonna help, I have a burning sensation under my foot, it's at the same spot and it comes and goes.

08-02-15, 22:30
I feel so crap. I've stopped now, didn't look after first page as too scared.

I am at stage where on Wednesday im convinced 100% she will suspect MS. I am so frightened :-( x

08-02-15, 22:51
I really understand your fear, I have massive ALS fears at the moment and I'm so terrified, I cried last night and couldn't sleep until 6 am. Googling will never help anyone. I'm glad you've stopped.

08-02-15, 22:53
Sorry to hear you're bad too popejoan. How long have you had your fears? Did you have ms fears too? I hope you're ok xx

08-02-15, 22:58
I did have MS fears but I had an MRI and it was clean. I've been having this fear for a month, I thought ALS wouldshow up on MRI but found out it doesn't and then thought MRI ruled out everything so this must be ALS. I have muscle weakness, fatigue, twitching all over, spasms in hands, can't bend one of my toes, left side of body is weaker. My GP referred me to a Neuro although she said she doesn't think it's ALS but I think she was slightly concerned of MS. I'm totally out of my mind, you know the feeling, I got depressed :( Why do you think you have MS? Xx

08-02-15, 23:23
Googling is like hunting for triggers. Not good!

We all have lapses, don't beat yourself up about it just keep trying :) Lots of us are fighting the same battles, we're all with you! :hugs:

Big hugs x Hope you feel better tomorrow x

08-02-15, 23:39
do yourself a favour and tell yourself that when you wake up tomorrow, you won't google a thing, and try to stick to it. i know it's really hard but it truly is the first step.

09-02-15, 06:17
Oh Joan, that's horrible to be so gripped by fear of something. How long have you had the symptoms for? I'm pretty sure that something else would have happened by now because as far as I am aware ALS is a rapidly declining disease. I know how you feel to be absolutely gripped by it though.

Im definitely not googling today. I Have a tingling foot today still, I'm hoping it passes soon as I'm so fed up! X

09-02-15, 09:37
Thanks hun, symptoms also started a month ago or I started being aware of them then. I had a blood test and it showed low creatinine levels. I shouldn't have but I googled and I found out that it might be due to muscle loss due to a muscle disease. And someone here told me if they had low creatinine levels they would demand to see a neurologist. It really really scared me and I'm living in this hell now.

I'm glad you're not googling today. Try not to focus on your foot. It will pass and you know these kind of sensations are common symptoms of anxiety.