View Full Version : Brain tumor worries

08-02-15, 23:43
So I've been worrying a lot lately about this. And I know it might be completely silly and I have read an incredible amount of studies, Articles, and Forum posts about the topic, Thanks Dr. Google. However I still can't shake it. I keep on having this random head pains, head discomfort, head and neck pressure, and occasional spacey feeling throughout the day and my sinuses aren't helping. The only thing that gives me solace is that I also had brain worries about a month after I started having full blown anxiety but the worries were vastly overwritten by my intense Cardiophobia worries spawned by my chest pains, palpitations, tachycardia, and chest discomforts. However the kicker is that all these symptoms went completely away 100% (except for maybe a minor heart palpitation here and there that didn't even faze me) for about three months! Three months and I felt like a new man! I felt cured and ready to take life head on, but now I'm immensely worried about what may be going on in my head. The symptoms have been almost daily now for the past few weeks, and they haven't even gotten worse or anything, its just these random head pains that come and go that are not even painful for the most part they feel like jabs and stabs all over the head and brain some of them are dull but barely noticeable, one of these pains is a very sharp pain as if someone is jabbing me with the head of a needle I get on my right temple that only lasts about a second and it's only about a 7 on the pain scale. And rarely I have gotten 'normal headaches', I even had a throbbing headache in my forehead and behind my eyes that woke me in the middle of the night about a month ago, I checked my eyes to see that they weren't bloodshot and they were fine the pain left after about 15 minutes, but I still worry since having a headache that wakes you up can be a bad sign. I'm planning on just demand for an MRI and Optamologist appointment from my doctor but haven't had time so I'm planning to go next week.
Anyone here can offer some advice or experience? would be really helpful thanks

09-02-15, 10:33
Only a doctor can diagnose a brain tumour. If you have symptoms, you need to see a doctor.

If the doctor tells you are okay, but you still are anxious, you can post here, but the focus should be on dealing with your anxiety.

09-02-15, 12:40

your not alone this is quite common in anxiety .... for month straight i thought i had a brain tumor! i still do now even tho had few doctors look at me, my symptoms are subsiding but it just anxiety end of the day you dont even need feel anxious or have stress happening for your body to give you symptoms.
mine was far deeper i had head pressure extreme brain fog depression sleep a hour or 2 wake up in sweats with head pressure and tingling all over! ill wake up scared confused it continue next day numbness tingling angry confused sweats shakes etc.... ive got better but ive never feel 100% at peace and always feel strange and wrong ! but it anxiety at it greatest and you have to 'Accept it' otherwise you'll keep going in circles and never get out the mind set or symptoms just become stronger ! THEY FEEL VERY PHYSICAL BUT WILL NIT HURT YOU! All the best go to docs and demand mri or ct if that what takes to put your mind at ease, all the best on your road to recovery

12-02-15, 18:24
hope may be all fine

17-02-15, 15:59
Ive been getting similiar to you and i realised today the head pain which is at the top but to the side moves when i move my jaw so its makin me think its linked to me grindin my teeth in my sleep and clenchin my jaw. My neck as also been painful its must be to do with tension and posture. With a tumor i doubt the symptoms would be appear...they come on gradual and prob get worse over time. I defo have the stabbing and its sooo painful x

18-02-15, 17:13
Only your doctor can tell you if you have any experience but last year I had a headache/ head issues and vision issues every day for 5-6 months. Obviously I thought the worst because it wasn't going but it finally did. I have been extra stressed this past month and they have come back so anxiety and stress can definitely cause issues.

18-02-15, 18:25
Only your doctor can tell you if you have any experience but last year I had a headache/ head issues and vision issues every day for 5-6 months. Obviously I thought the worst because it wasn't going but it finally did. I have been extra stressed this past month and they have come back so anxiety and stress can definitely cause issues.

Yeah I've been noticing that too, it only happens when I'm thinking intently about it, otherwise there are times when I feel 100%

19-02-15, 15:09
Brain tumour fears are very scary, I think most people on here have had them at some point! I'm just getting over one. I've had a headache for two weeks and 2 days ago I got the almighty cold! Sneezing, sinus pain, mucus the lot! I think my headache was a build up of pressure then it finally came out! Please trust the doctors. X