View Full Version : Relatives chest x-ray

Anxiety Jim
09-02-15, 14:29
Hi all,

An very close elderly relative of mine had an xray last week, and 2 days later received a letter telling him to make an appointment to see the GP to discuss the results. He's been coughing a lot recently, and was a smoker for 50 years, although quit more than 20 years ago.

He got the letter very quickly after having his x-ray, so this is making us all worry it's cancer. Would they send a letter if it was, or would they call? He had no phone call or message at all.

He has an appointment on Thursday, and I'm feeling really anxious, like I haven't felt for a few years. My restless leg has even came back...


09-02-15, 14:34
I guess it would depend on which hospital it is. Many hospitals call very soon after the test if there's bad news.. Others perhaps send letters. Did the xray go through a specialist at the hospital or via gp. He could have a chest infection or ppneumonia... Which are much more common.

Anxiety Jim
09-02-15, 14:48
Hi space bunny, and thanks for the reply,

It was a chest x-ray ordered by the GP I believe, it was done at a small rehab hospital not the main hospital, just because it's slightly closer.