View Full Version : Bladder pressure/Urethra Pain

09-02-15, 20:45
So have been having problems on and off for 2 weeks. Wee tested positive for bugs so been on amyxicillin (sorry not sure of spelling). Today is day 5 of antibiotics.
Over the weekend I felt normalish, little pressure, weeing normally.

Today I have been sitting at my desk all day and tonight my bladder hurts and urethra feels sore. So the worrying has started.

I asked my Dr last week if she thought I had bladder cancer and she said no.

Do I go back and ask for a scan? Is this all in my head? Could it be the UTI still?

09-02-15, 20:48
It won't be bladder cancer that presents with constant blood in urine I suffered with a bladder infection cystitis for like six weeks nothing wud shift it the infection has now cleared but my bladder still isn't right on and off I had bladder /urethra pain for weeks please persist with it u will prob need more antibiotics I got thro about 5 lots before it starts to get better hope u feel better soon x

09-02-15, 21:27
Thanks for your reply.

Was your symptoms on and off? Tonight I feel that I could wee for England, yet yesterday and Saturday I was fine.