View Full Version : Blood pressure fear

10-02-15, 10:11
I'm supposed to have my blood pressure checked. Something that never bothered me before but i once had to run to an appt as I was late and my heart was racing and I couldnt seem to calm down. They asked if my heart ever races when im sitting quietly and this of course made me panic. In turn, when i had to have an op, I got so nervous and heart was racing again.

This was all a while ago and the check is only for some tablets I was put on but the fear is there, mostly that my nerves will affect the reading. The tablets work really well but I'm still convinced i have side effects from them, but thats a different story!!

I also have a smear test coming up and years ago had abnormal cells but all was ok in the end but still it always makes me nervous :(

I realise that im doing the avoidance thing with the blood pressure.