View Full Version : trapped wind

14-01-07, 16:23
hey all

alongside all my usual worries/anxieties i often find i have really bad trapped wind and am constantly trying to burp it up - the docs have put me on tablets to minimise it but when im all anxious - like i am now - it just comes back with a vengeance.

having a really bad day today - whihc is mainly my fault for drinking too much last night but not even a diazepam and ibuprfen are helping me out at all.

just been for a walk and still feel awful. really considering going back on the citalopram but cant face the re-acclimbatization (?) process

anyone have any simple easy to do tips to help me calm down before i raid the diazepam jar again?

thanks, darren

14-01-07, 16:30
Hi Darren,

Guess you know this but alcohol makes anxiety much worse the next day. Well you can't go back and change things so I would suggest trying to refocus your mind. Try reading a book, a warm bath with calming music, looking at a favorite movie, or going to the cinema perhaps? Perhaps you can call a friend and just talk it out, sometimes that helps. I hope these ideas work for you.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

14-01-07, 16:34
With giving you too much personal information about my "wind habits", this is something i have much experience with, mainly due to chewing gum! I don't know if its the same for you but sometimes the pain for me feels like its right under my ribs and it catches my breath. What i have found helps (a lot) is Andrews. Drink that down quickly and it will help get rid of the wind :)


14-01-07, 16:40

without going into too much detail lol

I live off Gaviscon

I also take Ranitidine daily to alleviate indigestion - but it still appears when anxious

Think its my own fault though - I eat as quickly as possible - soimetimes without even chewing the food - just to get it down - viscious circle that I am trying hard to break

Try drinking Tonic Water or sipping on Peppermint tea - this should help

........life is for living not just for surviving

14-01-07, 17:18
Hi Darren

I had such bad trapped wind and was in so much pain, that several years ago I called a doctor out. He suspected pleurosy. A friend persuaded me he was most likely wrong and made me drink hot water with pepper in it. I did so, did a burp that blew my socks off, and immediately found I could expand my lungs and breathe properly again. Give it a go.

Kay x

14-01-07, 20:45
thanks all - the pepper didnt work unfortunatley and not sure if i can take gaviscon alongside the pills im already taking - need to ask docs next time im in

tried sprite instead of tonic water and that doesnt seem to clear it either. think i need rest and sleep to be honest

thank you all for your help tho x

15-01-07, 15:29
darren do you always feel bloated like your pregnant,

thats the way i feel its a total pain

" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"

15-01-07, 17:23
Hi Darren,when i saw a nutritionist she suggested taking half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in half a glass of water, stir and drink.It really helps bloating and brings up the wind.Or try bottled soda water,not tonic water.I always keep a bottle with me.
Hope this helps.

Ellen XX

06-09-10, 23:45
Hello buddy ... Know how you feel not good ..ok drink is a big thing because what goes up has to come down ... Trust me I really had it bad but would not take anything from doc's as I think that plays with your mind more ... How ever get your self a iPod put on good happy music and just run every night ... Get some st johns wort and take them every day 4 about 5 weeks b4 they start ... This worked 4 me and I never gone back down that road ...4 your trapped wind green tea or hot water with brown surger ... Eveytime you have a good day pinch your hand do this 4 five to six weeks .. Then when you have a real bad day pinch your self this is telling your brain it's a good day .... I'm 29 at 23 I was so bad. I'm always in the gym and have not had a attack for five years ...

Fly away Katie
07-09-10, 11:40
I know how you feel. I've got that at the moment. Tis not very nice. Very painful and uncomfortable. I'm going to go for a walk in a bit... Walking is supposed to ease it x