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View Full Version : Why does everything feel like 'this is the one!'

10-02-15, 12:13
I've been having a look back at old threads I have started (Can't believe what I was so convinced of!) and EVERY time I've thought - This is it, this is the one that definitely going to be cancer, my times up' and everytime the symptoms have gone and I've been left relieved because a new symptoms has appeared.
(To keep everyone up to date, in the past year, I've been fully convinced at some point or another that I've had breast cancer, ovarian cancer, bowel cancer, bladder cancer and now a beautiful little brain tumour fear has appeared due to continuous headaches this week :doh:

I need a hug lol :wacko:

10-02-15, 12:38
I've been having a look back at old threads I have started (Can't believe what I was so convinced of!) and EVERY time I've thought - This is it, this is the one that definitely going to be cancer, my times up' and everytime the symptoms have gone and I've been left relieved because a new symptoms has appeared.
(To keep everyone up to date, in the past year, I've been fully convinced at some point or another that I've had breast cancer, ovarian cancer, bowel cancer, bladder cancer and now a beautiful little brain tumour fear has appeared due to continuous headaches this week :doh:

I need a hug lol :wacko:

*hugs* totally understand what you mean hun! I am the same. My boyfriend always points it out to me, every time I am convinced I have cancer and I say "this time it is different, I just KNOW!" he is like - "you said that last time and you were fine"

I guess in a way it kind of helps us to look back over older threads to remind ourselves that we had a fear, and were ok :) but on the other hand it can be frustrating too when we notice a pattern.

I almost have to laugh at myself when I look back at things I've been scared off. A few months ago I was convinced I was dying of bladder or vaginal/vulva cancer but it was a UTI and thrush :wacko::doh:

Do you find you fears jump from one thing to another? Do you feel like once you have sorted one fear out another one comes along almost instantly?


10-02-15, 12:46
Do you find you fears jump from one thing to another? Do you feel like once you have sorted one fear out another one comes along almost instantly?

This is EXACTLY the way my life goes. I can have maybe a couple of days at most of nothing, then BAM a new ailment! It's hard to believe if we are 'so well' then why do we feel ill all time?

Thanks for the hug :flowers:

10-02-15, 13:01
It's the same for me. I have always had to have 'something to worry over' if that makes sense? even before I suffered with health anxiety, I would always be stressing over something, usually work or a relationship issue.

I feel exhausted a lot of the time, I think it is how the anxiety affects our nerves. Do you feel like that too?


10-02-15, 13:12
Yes all the time. I also feel sometimes that if I'm not worrying about something then I should be? Does that make sense? Like I sometimes feel 'it's going too well, something should be worrying me?'

I'm tired to with it, I think my Fiance is even more tired to be honest but he supports me and understands my struggles. I've been moaning about my headaches this week and he's quick to say 'it's cause it's all you're thinking about' which is true, so it amplifies it doesn't it!

10-02-15, 14:47
I'm the same! I've done the looking back at old threads before and it's helped me. At the moment I'm going through the latest 'This is the one' and it seems more real than ever but I guess I've forgotten the worry of my past worries.

10-02-15, 14:49
Telbanham it's very common in HA to think that your current ailment is your 'this is it' moment. It's hard to not think those thoughts aswell, especially when all the symptoms we are feeling are very real x

10-02-15, 15:10
Hi am going though the same thing .iv had that many cancers over the last 2 and half months its un real still think that the doctor has miss something or she not bother cos of the ha .iv bin to the doctors today cos i bleed after sex but not right away and am still bleeding she thinks its my period .iv bin messed up with um not had one for 2 months but she not worried so why am i so worried now i think iv got vulva cancer cos iv had burning down there for over a month and its not thrush .why do i always think iv got cancer hate feelin like this all the time iv no life and iv got 3 beautiful children that have no mum atm cos am a mess and i worry i wont see um grow up .sorry to go on hope your feeling better soon xxxx

10-02-15, 15:26
Hi Nicola, it's hard having kids to. I have a 2 year old daughter and my HA cranked up a notch when I had her. But she does give me so much joy that there are times when I forget the pain and the worry. Our minds are so so powerful and can make us think the absolute worst things xx

10-02-15, 15:45
Am so sick of feelin in fear all the time .am at the breast clinic on Friday cos iv for a lump so got that to deal with to .its just one thing after another xx

10-02-15, 16:23
Just remember hun that 90% of lumps are benign! x

10-02-15, 17:04
Oh i no hun had 2 befor but did not have ha then .am new to the ha onky had it for just short of 3 months .dont get me wrong iv bin and anxious person all my life but not to this level .iv always worry and when am not worried about something am worrying i should be its mad xx

10-02-15, 17:15
I've had HA since I was about 16. I'm 27 next month! Last 2 years have been the worst by a country mile though. Just not myself at all anymore to the point even my work colleagues notice a difference in me! I'm working on it though, which is more than I have ever done before xx

10-02-15, 19:41
See and there me goin on and on and u had to put up with it all most of your life and am fed up after 3 months .well done hun xx

11-02-15, 19:20
I was so pleased to read your posts I have cancer phobia really badly and I straight away assume it's cancer even before any tests I've put,myself through hell many many times

11-02-15, 23:16
It comes on and off. I've been suffering for 6 years. But I've had periods of 12 - 14 months worry free then bam it's off again

12-02-15, 07:30
Other diseases and illnesses don't bother me. It's only Cancer that absolutely petrifies me.

12-02-15, 08:52
Yeah I'm the same really. I think I've thought I've had testicle cancer, lung cancer, throat cancer, brain tumor and latest is lymphoma. Heart attacks / HIV have never been my thing really. It's strange isn't it?

12-02-15, 14:56
It's because cancer is just EVERYWHERE. And it's pretty drilled into you that you're 'probably' going to get it. I completely understand they have to give the things to look out for as it does save lives but what about people who are so petrified that a headache is a stage 4 brain tumour? The wording needs to be looked at. The HA community is far far larger than I ever thought it was! I thought I was the only one x