View Full Version : Where's the 'off' switch?

10-02-15, 14:33
Hi all

I'm a MLC-aged male who has just 'discovered' several parts of my personality (20 years too late) and realised how ignoring this has cost me illness and money. A lot centres around being introspective in a world that demands interaction. I imagine that's a common with this community...

My ongoing search for some kind of recognition by experts and a solution that does not include the platitudes 'take exercise, learn to relax'... since the professionals have a 'one size fits all approach' (plus the view that if you are not bleeding on their floor, you are not a priority).

The reasons for joining and posting now is a search for a solution to a stress feeling that goes on and on despite the stress being trivial and shortlived.

Example (today) - felt absolutely fine and dandy this morning - then my landlady phones... (normally it's about money but this time, not). 4 HOURS later I still have 'that feeling' in my chest like someone is sitting on it, can feel 'that feeling' behind my eyes, wanting to cry but can't. Wanting to run away and hide but having nothing to run away FROM.

I know it's stress/anxiety/fear - and not anything wrong with my heart /digestion/ etc. No medical professional seems to know what this actually is (clearly its some kind of physiological response - the stress response - but WHY is it a 'hair trigger' and so disproportionate?). I've seen one online 'expert' call it a 'hot response'. But no solution proposed.

I also know that when this happens on a regular basis (as it has in the past) it leads to real illness. (The kind of 'regular' when you feel dread every time you walk through the door to your workplace, which is what happened to me a few years ago).

I am doing everything I can in terms of exercise, nutrition, sleeping well, avoiding stressors, blah blah. I don't drink, no drugs, no smoking, not overweight: the model patient. (I don't even have a stressful job now).

I think everyone on this forum and millions of others has had some kind of triggering experience in their past - usually childhood or teen years - which MAKES them 'hot responders'. Since having had really bad stress at work, my response to anything even mildly stressful has been an immediate and complete crash.

So... if this can be switched on, how can it be switched off again? Why isn't there research into this to find a solution rather than just label people?

Rant over.

Miracle cures, anyone?

10-02-15, 14:38
Hiya Trylobyte and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

11-02-15, 15:03
No miracle cure but am totally with you with your situation. Same for me.

'That feeling' rotates for me, usually something mild enough that it doesn't really stop me but can if it gets too much. But mild enough for everyone to dismiss as nothing, everyone except me of course.

Also agree with the hair trigger.

Shapeshifting Lizard
14-02-15, 12:41
I could've written this myself, seriously. I'm 22 and I'm trying to recover from alcohol addiction (hardcore, all the time) and I've started to go a bit mad. I lose track of where everything is and I find it hard to do really simple things like get a bath or walk to the shop. And I get really weird thoughts, just generally. Especially sexual thoughts.

As far as I know you don't have schizophrenia unless you hear the voices in real life. I hear voices telling me to do stuff but I'm still aware they're in my head/ People who are schizophrenic hear them in real life. The doctor told me not to read so much online, and that might be right. It might just be sleep deprivation.

I know someone who has schizophrenia and he literally hears the voices. I can't offer any miracle cures, I'm looking for them myself, but unless you're actually hearing them as if someone is standing right next to you I don't think you have schizophrenia.

I've been having a "panic attack" for 4 days straight. The actual doctor told me I'm not going mad.