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View Full Version : Back pains = lung cancer?

10-02-15, 15:56
Now, I know it sounds ridiculous because I'm turning 23 in March and gave up smoking more than a month ago (had been smoking for 5 years or so, 8 cigs a day on average). I do admit I had several cigs after that but I haven't been smoking daily after that. Anyway, this morning I woke up with persistant dull pains just under my right shoulder blade; they seem to get worse each time I take deep breaths. I wish I wish I hadn't consulted Dr Google for that because apparently I might be having more than just back pains (after I quit smoking, I started weight-lifting to destract myself from urges to smoke but I've never had any pains like this before). Now that I have that haunting thought of having lung cancer or at least pneumonia (no fever, though, just some cough), I can see that I have been developing other symptoms, or at least I can feel that I've had them before, such as fatigue (I had pretty rough insomnia last week, so it might be the actual cause) or appetite loss (I think it's because I am obsessed with the idea I am going to die, lol). Have any of you experienced anything like that? Do you think it's just anxiety or should I be concerned? I will see my GP if the symptoms get worse for sure, but how do I deal with this strange feeling of having a fatal disease?

10-02-15, 18:00
So on average every year there are a whole 6 people in the UK who get diagnosed with lung cancer between the ages of 19 and 24. That equates to roughly 0.3 people per 100,000 or about a 1 in 300,000 chance without even varying for the fact that you have limite risk factors. So if you imagine three Wembley Stadiums side by side and someone randomly dropping a ball into the crowd what are the chances you would catch it? If you did that every day it is likely to take you up to 1,000 years to even come close to that ball :)

In summary virtually no chance and certainly not a chance worth worrying about in reality. Obviously though if you have persistent symptoms then contact your GP, but I think you can be fairly confident that it isn't lung cancer.

12-02-15, 19:10
"but how do I deal with this strange feeling of having a fatal disease? "

That strange feeling my friend is health anxiety.. it sucks.. it can make symptoms appear just worrying and thinking about them.. not to mention any minor symptoms you have can be greatly amplified when the anxiety kicks in.