View Full Version : Irregular heartbeat when I relax.

10-02-15, 20:20
When seated on the sofa. I usually tend to slouch. I invariably get a heavier, irregular heartbeat. Sometimes thumping, sometimes almost a drumming!
I've found that the cause seems to be that when I am either reading, watching TV or using the iPad. My breathing gets shallower, as if my heart is simply demanding more oxygen. After a couple of deeper breaths, everything calms down and returns to normal. This is borne out by the fact that it never happens when I am moving about, walking etc.

Catherine S
10-02-15, 20:24
If you are slouching enough to squash your middle then you're probably aggravating your vagus nerve, which in turn affects your heartrate. Bending over and crouching can do the same. I also experience some heart flutters when I'm on the laptop etc, mainly I think because I tend to hold my breath without realising it...until I do realise and let my breath out!


10-02-15, 20:28
I get this as well, but I also get it when I am walking. It makes me stop dead in my tracks. I recompose myself and carry-on. It's very unnerving; excuse the pun, but seriously, I find it very scary, especially if I am on my own. :scared15:

10-02-15, 21:27
I also experience some heart flutters when I'm on the laptop etc, mainly I think because I tend to hold my breath without realising it...until I do realise and let my breath out!


Exactly! And I have always been a 'lazy' breather. Subconsciously holding my breath for sometimes up to 7 seconds. No idea why.

Also. If I'm out shopping, and the bag is a little too heavy. I do sometimes get shortness of breath and Palps. But not until about 12 hours later. It may sound like a coincidence. But if it does occur, I can usually relate it to exertion, some hours earlier.