View Full Version : Please help me! Health anxiety out of control!!

10-02-15, 22:42
Hey lovely people.

So, my HA is currently severely out of control and it's scaring the crap out of me!! For anyone who's seen my last post, well I had an abortion five days ago, I have had a mad month and week before my abortion I was on antibiotics for an infected impacted wisdom tooth!

Today I woke up feeling the best I've felt in weeks...my abortion side effects had calmed down, my emotions were better, I felt better.

All. A sudden about an hour ago I randomly started getting tooth ache, only when I swallow.....and now I am just paranoid to hell the infection is back.....about an hour previous to that I though my lips were blue so had a panic attack! Now I know it's likely my infected wisdom tooth is back and I know more anti biotics will help, but I'm terrified as to why it's back....am I just run down or is there a serious health concern here?! I don't want anymore prodding and poking at my body, I just feel like I'm going crazy :,( I'm also scared to death in case my face swells up all of a sudden due to mass infection and restricts my breathing and kills me.....

I know it sounds ridiculous but I feel like I'm actually crazy!

Please please help! :weep: xxxxxxxxxxxxs

10-02-15, 23:29
No, it doesn't sound ridiculous. I know we have all been where you are concerning what anxiety does to our thoughts and perceptions of things. If your wisdom tooth is infected again, I do not believe it is due to any underlying disease. I think the best thing to do is go back to your dentist and have it reevaluated. Maybe it's time for it to come out. But please know until you get your answers your mind will probably play tricks on you, just try and realize that's all they are.
I do want to ask, without getting too personal, but you had mentioned your abortion along with your tooth troubles. Are you having any negative feelings about that, which could be causing some of this anxiety? I know such a decision can be hard-- before and even after, even if it was the right decision.


11-02-15, 00:28
Thank you for the reply, it means alot:hugs:

I am going to the emergency dentist tomorrow to nip it in the bud, you are certainly right about anxiety playing tricks on you.....even when you know this to be the case you still can't calm it down....it's unbelievable really!

The abortion, well I feel odd about it, I honestly feel slight relief (please don't take that the wrong way but having a child right now is not a good decision) and other than that, slightly numb....I think because I'm still recovering (it was a medical abortion) and plus my HA is through the roof it's consuming my mind at the moment.....and perhaps its stemming from the effects of the abortion....I don't know. Don't worry your question wasn't too personal! Thanks for the helpful reply I really appreciate it, you have no idea xxx

11-02-15, 15:26
You are very welcome, I'm glad I was able to help.
I understand your situation, I don't judge, I think an abortion could be a rather traumatic experience emotionally and wondered if that could be an underlying cause to the extent of your HA. It is still a loss, and although the decision was best for you at this time in your life, it could carry an element of grief, which can manifest in panic symptoms.
I just want you to be able to take care of you right now, without all the noise our anxiety likes to bring. Feel free to PM me anytime if you just need to talk. Hugs to you, and I'm glad you are getting that tooth looked at. Sounds as if it has been misbehaving long enough... :)